Special JFI Seminar
Sponsored by
France-Chicago Center and College de France
College de France and Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris
JFI Distinguished Visitor for 2007
Exploring the Quantum Dynamics of Atoms and Photons in
Cavities (I):
Entanglement, Complementarity and Quantum Logic
Monday, October 8, 2007
1:30 pm, KPTC 206
In this first seminar, I will present the basics of Cavity Quantum
the domain of quantum optics which deals with atoms and photons
interacting in
high Q cavities. I will describe experiments in which atoms and photons
entangled in a deterministic way, leading to the demonstration
of quantum
gates and to the implementation of simple quantum information
operations. These experiments will also serve to illustrate the
concept of complementarity.
Host: Cheng Chin and Tom Witten
The University of Chicago
This poster is on the internet at