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UChicago-Taiwan Student Exchange (UCTS) Fellowship

2024 UCTS fellows from Taiwan

06/10/2024 Departure in Taoyuan Airport (Luke, Bo-Yu, Vincent )  
06/14/2024 Deep Dishes Pizza (Sydney, Jerry, Bo-Yu, Vincent, Jody, Shou-Ting, Polly, Yi-Hsien, Chun-Hao To, Luke, Yen-Chieh)  
06/15/2024 Bo-Yu's first weekend: Picnic at the Promontory Point, Millennium Park, Coffee Time on the Roof of Starbucks Reserve Roastery, Millennium Park Concert  
06/16/2024 Mu-Chen Arrive ORD Airport (Cheng, Mu-Chen)  
06/17/2024 Dinner @ Noodles Etc (Mu-Chen, Bo-Yu)  
06/22/2024 2024 Dragon Boat Race for Literacy @ Ping Tom Park: Lunch after races (Luke, Bo-Yu), Chicago Taiwanese team photo, Dragon boat race, Bernien lab picnic @ Ping Tom Park (Vikram, Bo-Yu, Nikhil), Race results (first place in our final group!)  
06/22/2024 Visit Field museum (Chi, Ting-An, Li-Yu, Vincent, Yen-Chieh, Wei-Po, Mu-Chen)  
07/02/2024 Bo-Yu's poster presentation  
07/05/2024 Lunch @ ROUX (Ting-An, Li-Yu, Austin, Cheng, Vincent, Luke, Mu-Chen, Bo-Yu, Wei-Po)  
07/06/2024 Study quantum with cat (cat in the Renee commons, Bo-Yu's laptop)  

Lunch meeting at TECO (Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Chicago)! Official Facebook post

Photos: Discussion with director Lei, Check-in TECO (Bo-Yu, Cheng, Wei-Po), (Austin, Vincent, Yen-Chieh, Mu-Chen), Group photo, Congrats Cheng to be elected as new Academician of Academia Sinica!, New Diplomat!? (Kelly, Lilian, Polly) (Cheng, Lilian, Polly, Dr. Tsai, Kelly)

07/13/2024 SMART outreach program: Northwestern Dearborn Observatory (Luke, Bo-Yu), visit Adler planetarium, happy bus  

2024 UCTS fellows from UChicago

06/18/2024 NTU Orientation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Physics Dept Orientation  
06/27/2024 Fun in Taiwan: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12  
07/04/2024 Sebastian Jimenez in Dr. Lu's group: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5  

2024 UCTS fellows from Taiwan





Research Field Advisor Grad student mentor

Bo-Yu Chen

NTU Physics (Class of 2027)

Personal Website

Atomic physics, Quantum information


Hannes Bernien Nikhil Harle

Ting-An Wang

NTU Physics (Class of 2026)

Atomic physics, Quantum information Cheng Chin  

Vincent Chen

NTU Physics (Class of 2026)

Molecular Physics, AMO David DeMille  

Yen-Chieh Wang

NTU Physics (Class of 2025)

Theoretical high energy physics LianTao Wang  

Feng-Yin Cheng

NTU Physics (Class of 2024)

High energy physics Austin Joyce  

Wei-Po Wang

NTU Physics (Class of 2024)

Personal Website

Experimental particle physics Abigail Vieregg Philipp Windschhofer

Austin Yowming Tsai

NTU Medicine (Class of 2024)

Personal Website

Biophysics Margaret Gardel Amanda Johnson

Mu-Chen Hsieh

NTHU Physics (Class of 2026)

Astrophysics Hsiao-Wen Chen  

Li-Yu Tang

NCKU Materials Science and Engineering (Class of 2025) 

Material science Po-Chun Hsu Ching-Tai, Fu

Chi Wang

NCKU Materials Science and Engineering (Class of 2025)

Material science Steven Sibener  Van Do


2024 UCTS fellows from UChicago





Research Field Advisor Personal information
Sebastian Jimenez

The goals of our joint research project are to experimentally investigate the superconducting single-photon detectors for quantum-integrated photonic circuits


呂宥蓉 Yu-Jung Lu

Associate Professor of Physics, NTU



Jay Shen

Using machine learning to learn the renormalization group.

高英哲 Ying-Jer Kao

Professor of Physics, NTU


Pei-Hsiang Tien 田沛翔

Scrutinizing the dynamical friction of supermassive black holes in an FDM soliton

薛熙于 Hsi-Yu Schive

Associate Professor of Physics, NTU

Julie Pichonnat 潘若林 Seismic hazard assessment

莊昀叡 Ray Chuang

Associate Professor of Geography, NTU

Alexandra Yao High energy physics

陳丕燊 Pisin Chen

Distinguished Chair Professor of Physics, NTU

Evelyn Voss 楊芷薇 My project is focused on expanding 0-stage to n-stage quantum transduction. This technology is still in the theory stage, so my work will comprise of making mathematical models for quantum transduction, which will allow us to transfer quantum information between different types of media.

王喬萱 Chiao-Hsuan Wang

Assistant Professor of Physics, NTU

Ingrid Shih Appen 张世敏 Soil carbon sequestration via MICP

童心欣 Hsin-hsin Tung 

Professor, Institute of Environmental Engineering, NTU


Duc Manh Nguyen 阮孟德

Deep learning for particle physics colliders, training a neural network to distinguish signal from background

蔣正偉 Cheng-Wei Chiang

Professor of Physics, NTU