Welcome to the ultracold atomic and molecular physics group in the Department of Physics and the James Franck Institute, at the University of Chicago. Here you will find a new and active research team exploring the quantum world at the lowest temperatures scientists can achieve, nearly a billionth of a degree Kelvin above absolute zero. If you are interested in our research program or have any questions, please drop me a line, cchin @ uchicago.edu. I am looking forward to hearing from you!
-Cheng Chin
Our research
Ultracold atoms and molecules are incredibly versatile tools for creating designer science experiments. Their versatility stems from the many forms of precise control that physicists have developed over recent years, including: the use of laser cooling to remove nearly all entropy, the creation of almost arbitrary potential energy landscapes with optical fields, the ability to vastly increase collision rates or turn them down to zero with Feshbach resonances, direct imaging of clouds with single atom resolution, and much more. This exquisite control has opened up a world of new opportunities for learning about fundamental physics as well as simulating complex systems of interest. Our lab harnesses these powerful tools in order to learn about a wide variety of topics in modern science.