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01/06/2025 GCIS E123 10:30am Jiamei: Fast quantum gas formation via electromagnetically induced transparency cooling


12/02/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am Eunice Lee: PhD work in Wolfgang Ketterle's group
11/18/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am Henry: Measuring pair correlations in Bose and Fermi gases via atom-resolved microscopy
10/28/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am Evan: Optomechanical self-organization in a mesoscopic atom array
10/21/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am Tadej: Real-space detection and manipulation of topological edge modes with ultracold atoms
10/14/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am Lambert: Geometric squeezing into the lowest Landau level
09/09/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am Cheng: Frequency ratio of the Th nuclear isomeric transition and the Sr atomic Clock
09/30/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am Geyue: Universal clusters in quasi-two-dimensional ultracold Fermi mixtures
08/12/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am Shu: Realizing a spatially correlated lattice interferometer
08/05/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am General discussion
07/29/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am Henry: Control theory (from the Nise textbook)
07/22/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am Lauren: Bose-Einstein condensation by polarization gradient laser cooling
07/17/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am Nin: Project presentation; Evan: Vacuum Beam Guide for Large Scale Quantum Networks
06/17/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am Rahaf: Previous work presentation
05/13/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am Shu: Fast single atom imaging in optical latic arrays
05/06/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am Sarah: Thermography of the superfluid transition in a strongly interacting Fermi gas
04/29/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am Cheng: Optical binding with cold atoms
04/15/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am Henry: Observation of Cooper Pairs in a Mesoscopic 2D Fermi Gas
04/01/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am Geyue: Observation and quantification of the pseudogap in unitary Fermi gases
03/25/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am Evan: Practice candidacy defense
03/18/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am Jiamei: Continuous operation of large-scale atom arrays in optical lattices
02/26/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am Evan: Superradiant and Subradiant Cavity Scattering by Atom Arrays
02/19/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am Sarah: Machine Learning the Phase Diagram of a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas
02/12/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am Shu: Matter-wave interferometers with trapped strongly interacting Feshbach molecules
01/29/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am Lauren: Continuous Mott transition in semiconductor moiré superlattices
01/22/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am Jay: Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless crossover in a trapped atomic gas


11/13/2023 GCIS E123 10:30am Talk from Junheng Tao
11/06/2023 GCIS E123 10:30am Discussion with Prof. Wilhelm Zwerger
10/30/2023 GCIS E123 10:30am Geyue: Λ-enhanced sub-Doppler cooling of lithium atoms in D1 gray molasses
10/23/2023 GCIS 500A 10:30am Henry: Formation of matter-wave soliton trains by modulational instability
10/13/2023 GCIS E223 10:30am Lauren: Report on France
09/08/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Eva: Update on Optical Spectroscopy; Jiamei: Raman Sideband Cooling of Molecules in an Optical Tweezer Array
09/01/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Evan: Observation of Nagaoka Polarons in a Fermi-Hubbard Quantum Simulator and Directly imaging spin polarons in a kinetically frustrated Hubbard system
08/25/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Jeffrey: Update on ice particle levitation; Shu: A planar cloverleaf antenna for the creation of circularly polarized microwave fields
08/11/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Sarah: MLOOP
07/28/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Jay: Ultracold field-linked tetratomic molecules
06/30/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Nick: GHZ states with Time-Bin Qubits
06/23/2023 GCIS 223 9:30am SeungJung Huh: Nonequlibrium spin dynamics in a strongly ferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensate
06/09/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am DAMOP
06/02/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Lambert Kong: Guest talk; Shu and Geyue: DAMOP practice talks
05/26/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Jon: Practice thesis defense
05/12/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Youjia Huang: Current experiment status near 0 scattering length; Henry: Bose polarons near quantum criticality
05/05/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Callum Welsh: Senior thesis defense rehearsal; Youjia Huang: Observation of self-patterned defect formation in atomic superfluids – from ring dark solitons to vortex dipole necklaces
04/28/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Michael Rautenberg: From heteronuclear Efimov effect to Fermi polarons
04/21/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Evan: Part II: quench cooling and experimental results
04/14/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Evan: Feedback cooled Bose-Einstein condensation: near and far from equilibrium (his own work!)
04/07/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Group updates
03/31/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Lauren: Coupling Single Atoms to a Nanophotonic Whispering-Gallery-Mode Resonator via Optical Guiding
03/24/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Jon: Spin- and momentum-correlated atom pairs mediated by photon exchange
03/17/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Shu: Tracing orbital images on ultrafast time scales
02/17/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Sarah: Making statistics work: a quantum engine in the BEC-BCS crossover
02/10/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Yunpeng Ji: Probing Many-body Physics in a Homogeneous Fermi gas
01/27/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Jon: A QMS Mystery! Cheng: Realization of a fractional quantum Hall state with ultracold atoms
01/20/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Henry: Tunable itinerant spin dynamics with polar molecules (with special guest Annette Carroll)
01/13/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Jay: A Feshbach resonance in collisions between ultracold ground state molecules
01/06/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am Jiamei: Time-of-Flight Quantum Tomography of Single Atom Motion


12/09/2022 GCIS 223 10:30am Evan: Floquet Engineering a Bosonic Josephson Junction
12/02/2022 GCIS 223 10:30am Dr. Jared Gan: special talk
11/11/2022 GCIS 223 10:30am Lauren: Quantum gas microscopy of a geometrically frustrated Hubbard system
10/28/2022 GCIS 223 10:30am Jon: Controllable atomic collision in a tight optical dipole trap
10/21/2022 GCIS 223 10:30am Geyue: Direct observation of non-local fermion pairing in an attractive Fermi-Hubbard gas
10/14/2022 GCIS 223 10:30am Yi-Hsien Du: Guest speaker
10/07/2022 GCIS 223 10:30am Shu: Quantum field simulator for dynamics in curved spacetime
09/30/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Callum's summer research + Jay: experimental verification of the area law of mutual information in quantum field theory
09/08/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Cheng: Observation of bosonic stimulation in light scattering
09/01/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Chang (Nick): Generation and Z-basis characterization of time-bin encoded GHZ states for scalable quantum networks
08/26/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Henry: Self-oscillating geometric pump in a dissipative atom-cavity system
08/19/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Qiyu Laing (Purdue) visits!
08/12/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Geyue: Aharonov-Bohm Caging and Inverse Anderson transition in Ultracold Atoms
07/29/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Jiamei: Superresolution microscopy of optical fields using tweezer-trapped single atoms
07/22/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Lauren: In-situ equalization of single-atom loading in large-scale optical tweezers arrays
07/15/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Jon: Tutorial on Raman sideband cooling
07/08/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Andrew: Progress on Photomolecular Evaporation of Water
07/01/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Shu: Spontaneous Formation of Star-Shaped Surface Patterns in a Driven Bose-Einstein Condensate
06/24/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Zhendong: Time-Reversal-Based Quantum Metrology with Many-Body Entangled States
06/17/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Zhendong: Magneto-Optical Trap and Optical Molasses Tutorial
06/10/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Jonathan: Imprinting Persistent Currents in Tunable Fermionic Rings
06/03/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am DAMOP!
05/27/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am No journal club due to DAMOP conference next week!
05/20/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am DAMOP practice talks
05/13/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Kevin: Optical Lattice Tutorial
05/06/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Krutik: Preparation of the Spin-Mott State: A Spinful Mott Insulator of Repulsively Bound Pairs
04/28/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Krutik: Preparation of the Spin-Mott State: A Spinful Mott Insulator of Repulsively Bound Pairs
04/22/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am Cheng: SU(1, 1) Interferometry
03/18/2022 GCIS 223 09:00am Frank: Emergence of isotropy and dynamic self-similarity in the birth of two-dimensional wave turbulence
02/11/2022 GCIS 223 09:00am Zhendong: Evaporation of microwave-shielded polar molecules to quantum degeneracy
02/04/2022 GCIS 223 09:00am Jiamei: Two particle interference in tunnel coupled optical tweezers
01/28/2022 GCIS 223 09:00am Kevin: Topological pumping in a Floquet-Bloch band
01/21/2022 Zoom 09:00am Lauren: Novel single-mode narrow-band photon source of high brightness tuned to cesium D2 line
01/10/2022 Zoom 10:30am Jon: Cavity-enhanced optical lattices for scaling neutral atom quantum technologies
11/29/2022 GCIS 223 10:30am Krutik: Transition from a polaronic condensate to a degenerate Fermi gas of heteronuclear molecules




11/15/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am Shu: Resonant collisional shielding of reactive molecules using electric fields
11/08/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am Cheng: Observation of fragmentation of a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate
11/01/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am Frank: Catching Bethe phantoms and quantum many-body scars: Long-lived spin-helix states in Heisenberg magnets
10/25/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am Zhendong: An optical lattice with sound
10/18/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am Jiamei: Signature of bath-induced quantum avalanches in a many-body-localized system
10/11/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am Kevin: Realising the Symmetry-Protected Haldane phase in Fermi-Hubbard Ladders
10/04/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am Lauren: Controlled creation and decay of singly-quantized vortices in a polar magnetic phase
09/20/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am Jon: Observation of a dissipative time crystal
09/13/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am Krutik: Black-body radiation induced facilitated excitation of Rydberg atoms in optical tweezers
08/30/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am Shu: Quantum register of fermion pairs
08/16/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am Cheng: Evidence for an atomic chiral superfluid with topological excitations
08/02/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am Frank: Sound emission and annihilations in a programmable quantum vortex collider
07/26/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am Krutik: Quantum gas microscopy of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang superdiffusion
07/12/2021 Zoom 10:30am Jiamei: Observation of a prethermal discrete time crystal
07/05/2021 Zoom 10:30am Kevin: Observation of first and second sound in a BKT superfluid
06/21/2021 Zoom 10:30am Jon: Programmable Interactions and Emergent Geometry in an Atomic Array
06/14/2021 Zoom 10:30am Zhendong: Two-particle interference with double twin-atom beams
06/07/2021 Zoom 10:30am Shu: Pattern Formation in Quantum Ferrofluids: from Supersolids to Superglasses
05/17/2021 Zoom 10:30am Cheng: Observing the emergence of a quantum phase transition shell by shell
05/10/2021 Zoom 10:30am Geyue: Quantum gas magnifier for sub-lattice-resolved imaging of three-dimensional quantum systems
04/26/2021 Zoom 10:30am Jiamei: Evidence of superfluidity in a dipolar supersolid from nonclassical rotational inertia
04/19/2021 Zoom 10:30am Kevin: Controlling quantum many-body dynamics in driven Rydberg atom arrays
04/05/2021 Zoom 10:30am Jon: Adjustable refractive power from diffractive moire elements & Long distance optical transport of ultracold atoms a compact setup using a moire lens
03/29/2021 Zoom 10:30am Krutik: Pauli blocking of atomic spontaneous decay
03/22/2021 Zoom 10:30am Shu: Repeated measurements with minimally destructive partial-transfer absorption imaging
03/08/2021 Zoom 10:30am Cheng: A compact and fast magnetic coil for the interaction manipulation of quantum gases with feshbach resonances
03/01/2021 Zoom 10:30am Geyue: Observation of quasiparticle pair-production and quantum entanglement in atomic quantum gases quenched to an attractive interaction
02/22/2021 Zoom 10:30am Zhendong: Observation of many-body quantum phase transitions beyond the Kibble-Zurek mechanism
02/15/2021 Zoom 10:30am Jiamei: A quantum-logic gate between distant quantum-network modules
02/08/2021 Zoom 10:30am Kevin: Quantum computational advantage using photons
01/25/2021 Zoom 10:30am Jon: Protocol for autonomous rearrangement of cold atoms into low-entropy configurations
01/18/2021 Zoom 10:30am Krutik: Production and characterization of a fragmented spinor Bose-Einstein condensate
01/11/2021 Zoom 10:30am Shu: Three-dimensional trapping of individual Rydberg atoms in ponderomotive bottle beam traps




12/21/2020 Zoom 10:30am Connor: Interplay between coherent and dissipative dynamics of bosonic doublons in an optical lattice
12/14/2020 Zoom 10:30am Cheng: Measurement of identical particle entanglement and the influence of antisymmetrization
11/30/2020 Zoom 10:30am Liangchao: Realization of an anomalous Floquet topological system with ultracold atoms
11/23/2020 Zoom 10:30am Geyue: Quantum-torque-induced breaking of magnetic domain walls in ultracold gases
11/16/2020 Zoom 10:30am Zhendong: Interferometric Unruh detectors for Bose-Einstein condensates
11/09/2020 Zoom 10:30am Jiamei: Measurement of the time spent by a tunnelling atom within the barrier region
10/19/2020 Zoom 10:30am Kevin: Microscopic electronic structure tomography of Rydberg macrodimers
10/12/2020 Zoom 10:30am Jonathan: Doublon-Hole Correlations and Fluctuation Thermometry in a Fermi-Hubbard Gas
10/05/2020 Zoom 10:30am Krutik: Modelling quantum aspects of disruption of a white dwarf star by a black hole
09/28/2020 Zoom 10:30am Shu: Loss of ultracold RbCs molecules via optical excitation of long-lived two-body collision complexes
09/21/2020 Zoom 10:30am Connor: Engineering spin squeezing in a 3D optical lattice with interacting spin-orbit-coupled fermions
09/14/2020 Zoom 10:30am Cheng: Neural network quantum state tomography in a two-qubit experiment
08/31/2020 Zoom 10:30am Liangchao: A subradiant optical mirror formed by a single structured atomic layer
08/24/2020 Zoom 10:30am Geyue: Observation of first and second sound in a Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless superfluid
08/17/2020 Zoom 10:30am Zhendong: Periodically and Quasi-periodically Driven Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates
08/10/2020 Zoom 10:30am Jiamei: An ideal Josephson junction in an ultracold two-dimensional Fermi gas
08/03/2020 Zoom 10:30am Kevin: Observation of domain wall confinement and dynamics
07/20/2020 Zoom 10:30am Jonathan: Interaction-Enhanced Group Velocity of Bosons in the Flat Band of an Optical Kagome Lattice
07/13/2020 Zoom 10:30am Krutik: Observation of superfluidity in a strongly correlated two dimensional Fermi gas
07/06/2020 Zoom 10:30am Shu: Breathing mode of a Bose-Einstein condensate repulsively interacting with a fermionic reservoir
06/29/2020 Zoom 10:30am Cheng: Synthetic dissipation and cascade fluxes in a turbulent quantum gas
06/22/2020 Zoom 10:30am Liangchao: Cooling and entangling ultracold atoms in optical lattices
06/15/2020 Zoom 10:30am Frank: Observation of Pauli Crystals
06/08/2020 Zoom 10:30am Zhendong: Collisional cooling of ultracold molecules
05/25/2020 Zoom 10:30am Jiamei: Suppressing dissipation in a Floquet-Hubbard system
05/18/2020 Zoom 10:30am Kevin: Observation of gauge invariance in a 71-site quantum simulator
05/11/2020 Zoom 10:30am Jon: Efficient ground-state cooling of large trapped-ion chains with an EIT tripod scheme
05/04/2020 Zoom 10:30am Krutik: Forming a single molecule by magnetoassociation in an optical tweezer
04/27/2020 Zoom 10:30am Shu: Robust Bilayer Charge-Pumping for Spin- and Density-Resolved Quantum Gas Microscopy
04/20/2020 Zoom 10:30am Cheng: Experimental charaterization of two-particle entanglement through position and momentum correlations
04/13/2020 Zoom 10:30am Liangchao: Observation of dynamical fermionization
04/06/2020 Zoom 10:30am Frank: Supersolid symmetry breaking from compressional oscillations in a dipolar quantum gas
03/30/2020 Zoom 10:30am Zhendong: Mott-insulator-aided detection of ultra-narrow Feshbach resonances
03/23/2020 Zoom 10:30am Jiamei: Anomalous decay of coherence in a dissipative many-body system
03/09/2020 GCIS 223 10:30am Kevin: The low energy Goldstone mode in a trapped dipolar supersolid
03/02/2020 GCIS 223 10:30am Krutik: Quantum simulation of the quantum Rabi model in a trapped ion
02/25/2020 GCIS 223 10:30am Cheng: Geometric squeezing into the lowest Landau level
02/17/2020 GCIS 223 10:30am Liangchao: Synthesized magnetic field of a sawtooth superradiance lattice in Bose-Einstein condensates
02/10/2020 GCIS 223 10:30am Frank: Ultrafast many-body interferometry of impurities coupled to a Fermi sea
02/03/2020 GCIS 223 10:30am Zhendong: Coherent superposition of Feshbach dimers and Efimov dimers
01/20/2020 GCIS 223 10:30am Jiamei: Time-resolved observation of spin-charge deconfinement in fermionic Hubbard chains




11/25/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am Kevin: Parallel Implementation of High-Fidelity Multiqubit Gates with Neutral Atoms
11/18/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am Krutik: Observation of glassy dynamics in a disordered quantum spin system
09/23/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am Jonathan: Subdiffusion and heat transport in a tilted 2D Fermi-Hubbard system
08/26/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am Cheng: Quantum theory cannot consistently describe the use of itself
08/19/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am Geyue: Observation of quantum droplets in a heteronuclear bosonic mixture
07/29/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am Zhendong: Dynamical Symmetry and Breathers in a Two-Dimensional Bose Gas
05/20/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Kevin: 20 qubit Cat state with Rydberg atom array
05/13/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Jonathan: Quantum virtual cooling
04/29/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Krutik: Dynamical spin orbit coupling through superradiance
04/22/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Mickey: Event horizon telescope
04/15/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Lei: Supersolid in dipolar gases
04/08/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Brian: Bose-Fermi droplets in low dimensions
04/01/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Cheng: Floquet approach to Z2 lattice gauge theories with ultracold atoms in optical lattices
03/11/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Geyue: Spectral response and contact of the unitary Fermi gas
02/18/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Zhendong: Faraday waves in BEC
02/11/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Kevin: Machine learning and Fermi gas microscope
01/28/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Jonathan: Raman sideband cooling into BEC
01/21/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Krutik: Realisation of density-dependent Peierls phases to couple dynamical gauge fields to matter




11/25/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am Kevin: Parallel Implementation of High-Fidelity Multiqubit Gates with Neutral Atoms
11/18/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am Krutik: Observation of glassy dynamics in a disordered quantum spin system
09/23/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am Jonathan: Subdiffusion and heat transport in a tilted 2D Fermi-Hubbard system
08/26/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am Cheng: Quantum theory cannot consistently describe the use of itself
08/19/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am Geyue: Observation of quantum droplets in a heteronuclear bosonic mixture
07/29/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am Zhendong: Dynamical Symmetry and Breathers in a Two-Dimensional Bose Gas
05/20/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Kevin: 20 qubit Cat state with Rydberg atom array
05/13/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Jonathan: Quantum virtual cooling
04/29/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Krutik: Dynamical spin orbit coupling through superradiance
04/22/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Mickey: Event horizon telescope
04/15/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Lei: Supersolid in dipolar gases
04/08/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Brian: Bose-Fermi droplets in low dimensions
04/01/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Cheng: Floquet approach to Z2 lattice gauge theories with ultracold atoms in optical lattices
03/11/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Geyue: Spectral response and contact of the unitary Fermi gas
02/18/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Zhendong: Faraday waves in BEC
02/11/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Kevin: Machine learning and Fermi gas microscope
01/28/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Jonathan: Raman sideband cooling into BEC
01/21/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Krutik: Realisation of density-dependent Peierls phases to couple dynamical gauge fields to matter




11/25/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am Kevin: Parallel Implementation of High-Fidelity Multiqubit Gates with Neutral Atoms
11/18/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am Krutik: Observation of glassy dynamics in a disordered quantum spin system
09/23/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am Jonathan: Subdiffusion and heat transport in a tilted 2D Fermi-Hubbard system
08/26/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am Cheng: Quantum theory cannot consistently describe the use of itself
08/19/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am Geyue: Observation of quantum droplets in a heteronuclear bosonic mixture
07/29/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am Zhendong: Dynamical Symmetry and Breathers in a Two-Dimensional Bose Gas
05/20/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Kevin: 20 qubit Cat state with Rydberg atom array
05/13/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Jonathan: Quantum virtual cooling
04/29/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Krutik: Dynamical spin orbit coupling through superradiance
04/22/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Mickey: Event horizon telescope
04/15/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Lei: Supersolid in dipolar gases
04/08/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm Brian: Bose-Fermi droplets in low dimensions
04/01/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Cheng: Floquet approach to Z2 lattice gauge theories with ultracold atoms in optical lattices
03/11/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Geyue: Spectral response and contact of the unitary Fermi gas
02/18/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Zhendong: Faraday waves in BEC
02/11/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Kevin: Machine learning and Fermi gas microscope
01/28/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Jonathan: Raman sideband cooling into BEC
01/21/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am Krutik: Realisation of density-dependent Peierls phases to couple dynamical gauge fields to matter




12/02/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Cheng: Observation of quantum Hawking radiation and its entanglement in an analogue black hole
11/18/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Jonathan: Nonergodic diffusion of single atoms in a periodic potential
11/11/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Krutik: Observation of a persistent non-equilibrium state in cold atoms
11/04/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Mickey: Spectral discrimination in color blind animals via chromatic aberration and pupil shape
10/14/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Lei: Momentum correlation in a 1D Bose gas
09/30/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Brian: Fermion-mediated long range interaction for Bosons
09/16/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Logan: Symmetry requiring Asymmetry
09/09/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Cheng: Emergence of a Turbulent Cascade in a Quantum Gas
09/02/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Krutik: Bloch oscillations in the absence of a lattice
08/26/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Jacob Sub-atom shot noise Faraday imaging of ultracold atom clouds
08/12/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Lei: Out of time order correlation function in a quantum phase transistion.
07/29/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Brian: Bose polarons in strongly interacting regime.
07/22/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Logan: Many-body localization in a homogeneous potential.
07/08/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Cheng: Observation of Spatial Charge and Spin Correlations in the 2D Fermi-Hubbard Model.
07/01/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Jonathan: Configurable microscopic optical potentials for Bose-Einstein condensates using a digital-micromirror device.
06/24/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Krutik: Strange metal in a lattice fermi gas.
06/17/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Jacob Many-body Localization of trapped Ions.
06/10/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Harry Observation of quantum droplets in a strongly dipolar Bose gas.
05/20/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Logan Clark: Universal dynamics of bosons crossing a quantum phase transition.
05/08/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Lei Feng: Coarsening Dynamics of Binary Bose Condensates.
04/22/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Gustaf Downs: Exploring the many-body localization transition in two dimensions.
04/15/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Brian DeSalvo: Review of dynamics of fermions.
04/08/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Logan Clark: Review of Spin-orbit coupling.
02/26/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Cheng Chin: Measurement of entanglement entropy.
02/19/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Jacob Johansen.
02/12/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Jonathan Trisnadi: Rapid Production of Uniformly filled Arrays of Neutral Atoms.
02/05/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Harry Ha: Measurement noise 100 times lower than the quantum-projection limit using entangled atoms.
01/29/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Lei Feng: Three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii solitary waves in optical lattices: Stabilization using the artificial quartic kinetic energy induced by lattice shaking.
01/22/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Mickey: McDonald: Photoassociation of dipolar molecules in strontium.
01/15/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Jason Ho: Fascinating new ideas of quantum simulation in ultracold quantum gas.
01/08/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm Gustaf Downs: Site-resolved imaging of a fermonic Mott insulator.




11/20/2015 GCIS 223 1:30pm Brian DeSalvo: Observing the Rosensweig instability of a quantum ferrofluid.
10/30/2015 GCIS 223 1:30pm Chenyu Xu: Interference and dynamics of light from a distance-controlled atom pair in an optical cavity.
10/08/2015 GCIS 223 1:30pm Logan Clark: Kibble-Zurek Mechanism in Quantum Phase Transition
09/25/2015 GCIS 223 1:30pm Cheng Chin: Rapid production of Uniformly filled arrays of neutral atoms.
09/18/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm Jonathan Trisnadi: A self-interfering clock as a “which path” witness.
08/28/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm Colin Parker: Geometrical pumping with a Bose-Einstein condensate.
08/21/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm Jacob Johansen: Fast machine-learning online optimization of ultra-cold-atom experiments.
08/14/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm Harry Lichung Ha: Itinerant density wave instabilities at classical and quantum critical points.
08/07/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm Lei Feng: Decoherence of Impurities in a Fermi Sea of Ultracold Atoms
07/24/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm Gus Downs: Entangling two transportable neutral atoms via local spin exchange
07/24/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm Logan Clark: Optical Boson Sampling
07/17/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm Cheng Chin: The Thouless Quantum Pump with Ultracold Bosonic Atoms in an Optical Superlattice
07/02/2015 GCIS E041 11:00am Chenyu Xu: Bosonic condensation in a flat energy band
06/26/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm Colin Parker: Kondo effect in ultracold atoms
06/05/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm Jacob Johansen: Observation of the Efimov state of the helium trimer
05/22/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm Harry Lichung Ha: Universal dynamics of a quench quantum gas
05/08/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm Lei Feng: Three-Body Recombination at Vanishing Scattering Lengths in an Ultracold Bose Gas
04/10/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm Gustaf Downs: Two Fermions in a Double Well: Exploring a Fundamental Building Block of the Hubbard Model
04/03/2015 GCIS 223 12:30pm Logan Clark: Einstein–Bohr recoiling double-slit gedanken experiment performed at the molecular level
03/27/2015 GCIS 223 3:00pm Chen-Yu Xu: A mixture of Bose and Fermi superfluids
03/20/2015 GCIS 223 3:00pm Cheng Chin: Classical Time Crystals and Quantum Time Crystals
02/20/2015 GCIS 223 3:00pm Harry Lichung Ha: Critical dynamics of spontaneous symmetry breaking in a homogeneous Bose gas
01/23/2015 GCIS 223 3:00pm Jacob Johansen: Fermionic suppression of dipolar relaxation: Observation of universal inelastic dipolar scattering
01/16/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm Lei Feng: Metastability and coherence of repulsive polarons in a strongly interacting Fermi mixture




12/11/2014 GCIS 223 10:30am Gustaf Downs: Demonstration of a strong Rydberg blockade in three-atom systems with anisotropic interactions
12/04/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm Logan Clark: Repeated output coupling of ultracold Feshbach molecules from a Cs BEC
11/30/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm Cheng Chin: 1. Cooling a Single Atom in an Optical Tweezer to Its Quantum Ground State, 2. Nondestructive imaging of an ultracold lattice gas
11/07/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm Colin Parker: Breakdown of Fermi liquid description for strongly interacting fermions
09/19/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm Jacob Johansen: Observation of coherent quench dynamics in a metallic many-body state of fermions
08/01/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm Harry Lichung Ha: Precision measurement of the Newtonian gravitational constant using cold atoms
07/25/2014 GCIS 223 2:00pm Gustaf Downs: Two-particle quantum interference in tunnel-coupled optical tweezers
07/11/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm Logan Clark: Direct evidence for R-rotons having antiparallel momentum and velocity
06/27/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm Lei Feng: A Bright Solitonic Matter-Wave Interferometer
04/18/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm Cheng Chin: Roton-Type Mode Softening in a Quantum Gas with Cavity-Mediated Long-Range Interactions
02/14/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm Colin Parker: Observation of the Meissner eff ect with ultracold atoms in bosonic ladders
01/24/2014 GCIS 223 1:30pm Karina Jiménez García: Bath-induced band decay of a Hubbard lattice gas
01/03/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm Eric Hazlett: Direct Observation of Fragmentation in a Disordered, Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas




11/22/2013 GCIS 223 12:30pm Harry Lichung Ha: Fractal energy spectrum of a polariton gas in a Fibonacci quasi-periodic potential
11/15/2013 GCIS 223 12:30pm Logan Clark: Making Black Holes out of Cold Atoms
11/08/2013 GCIS 223 12:30pm Sebastian Will Towards Dipolar Molecules of 23Na40K - A new player in the field of ultracold quantum matter
11/01/2013 GCIS EB41 12:30pm Xibo Zhang: Making the best atomic clock and using it to study quantum many-body physics
10/18/2013 GCIS 223 12:30pm Cheng Chin: Realization of the Harper-Hofstadter Hamiltonian
10/11/2013 GCIS ESB36 12:30pm Shihkuang Tung: Ultracold Heteronuclear Mixture of Ground and Excited State Atoms
10/04/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Colin Parker: Macroscopic coherence between quantum condensates formed at different times
09/27/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Jacob Johansen: Bound states of a localized magnetic impurity in a superfluid of paired ultracold fermions
08/16/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Eric Hazlett: Detection of a Spinning Object Using Light’s Orbital Angular Momentum
09/20/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Mingwu Lu: Dipolar Quantum Gases of Dysprosium
08/16/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Eric Hazlett: Detection of a Spinning Object Using Light’s Orbital Angular Momentum
08/09/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Cheng Chin: Quantum Nonlinear Optics using cold atomic ensembles
06/14/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Karina Jiménez García: A 23Na and 87Rb double Bose-Einstein condensate with tunable interactions
05/17/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Harry Lichung Ha: Tests of universal three-body physics in an ultracold Bose-Fermi mixture
04/26/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Logan Clark: Many-body quantum quench in an atomic one-dimensional Ising chain
04/05/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Cheng Chin: An optical spectrum analyzer with quantum limited noise floor
03/29/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Shihkuang Tung: Evidence for sympathetic vibrational cooling of translationally cold molecules
03/22/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Jacob Johansen: Universality of the three-body Efimov parameter at narrow Feshbach resonances
03/15/2013 GCIS ESB041 1:00pm Colin Parker: APS March Meeting practice talk
03/08/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Eric Hazlett: Second sound and the superfluid fraction in a resonantly interacting Fermi gas
03/01/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Karina Jiménez García: Heavy Solitons in a Fermionic Superfluid
02/15/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Harry Lichung Ha: Superfluid fountain effect in a Bose-Einstein condensate
02/08/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Logan Clark: Environment-Assisted Quantum Transport
02/01/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Cheng Chin: Quantum magnetism of ultracold fermions in an optical lattice
01/25/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Shihkuang Tung: Shedding Light on Three-Body Recombination in an Ultracold Atomic Gas
01/18/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm Colin Parker: Long-Range Incommensurate Charge Fluctuations in (Y,Nd)Ba2Cu3O6+x
01/11/2013 GCIS EB41 1:00pm Jacob Johansen: Bose-Einstein condensation of atoms in a uniform potential




12/10/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Ulrich Eismann: Magnetic Feshbach molecule association
12/03/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Karina Jimenez-Garcia: Spin–orbit-coupled Bose–Einstein condensates
11/26/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Eric Hazlett: Laser cooling to quantum degeneracy
11/19/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Harry Lichung Ha: Observation of mesoscopic crystalline structures in a two-dimensional Rydberg gas
11/12/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Cheng Chin: Persistent currents in spinor condensates
10/29/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Shih-Kuang Tung: Evaporative cooling of the dipolar radical OH
10/15/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Eric Hazlett: Observing the Drop of Resistance in the Flow of a Superfluid Fermi Gas
10/08/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Colin Parker: Evidence for orbital superfluidity in the P-band of a bipartite optical square lattice
10/01/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Jacob Johansen: Two-Dimensional Fermi Liquid with Attractive Interactions
09/24/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Harry Lichung Ha: Roton-Type Mode Softening in a Quantum Gas with Cavity-Mediated Long-Range Interactions
09/17/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Shihkuang Tung: Bose-Einstein Condensation of Erbium
08/27/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Colin Parker: Momentum-resolved Raman spectroscopy of bound molecules in ultracold Fermi gas
08/20/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Ulrich Eismann: Putting Bosons in Unitarity
08/06/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Jacob Johansen: A single ion as a three-body reaction center in an ultracold atomic gas
07/23/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Ulrich Eismann: An all-solid-state CW-671 nm laser source
07/09/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Harry Lichung Ha: Direct Observation of Quantum Phonon Fluctuations in a One-Dimensional Bose Gas
07/02/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Cheng Chin: Ultracold Fermionic Feshbach Molecules of 23Na40K
06/11/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Nicolas Spethmann: Single impurity atoms immersed in an ultracold gas
05/28/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Shihkuang Tung: Spin-Injection Spectroscopy of a Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermi Gas
04/30/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Colin Parker: Spin–orbital separation in the quasi-one-dimensional Mott insulator Sr2CuO3
04/23/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Jacob Johansen: Dynamics of unstable quantum pendulum
04/16/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Harry Lichung Ha: Preparation and spectroscopy of a metastable Mott insulator state with attractive interactions
04/09/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Cheng Chin: Interferometric Measurement of Local Spin-Fluctuations in a Quantum Gas
04/02/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am Xibo Zhang: Bose Gases Near Unitarity
03/20/2012 GCIS 223 12:00am Shihkuang Tung: Superfluid quenching of the moment of inertia in a strongly interacting Fermi gas
03/07/2012 GCIS EB41 01:30pm Colin Parker: Fermionic transport and out-of-equilibrium dynamics in a homogeneous Hubbard model with ultracold atoms
02/28/2012 GCIS 223 12:00am Jacob Johansen: Scale Invariance and Viscosity of a Two-Dimensional Fermi Gas
02/14/2012 GCIS 223 12:00am Harry Lichung Ha: Hanbury Brown and Twiss correlations across the Bose–Einstein condensation threshold
01/31/2012 GCIS 223 12:00am Colin Parker: Observation of a superfluid Hall effect
01/24/2012 GCIS 223 12:00am Xibo Zhang: Measurement of Optical Feshbach Resonances in an Ideal Gas
01/17/2012 GCIS 223 12:00am Shihkuang Tung: Experimental Realization of Strong Effective Magnetic Fields in an Optical Lattice
01/10/2012 GCIS 223 12:00am Cheng Chin: Near-deterministic preparation of a single atom in an optical microtrap




12/13/2011 GCIS 223 12:00am Jacob Johansen: Quantum degenerate Bose-Fermi mixture of chemically different atomic species with widely tunable interactions
11/29/2011 GCIS 223 12:00am Harry Lichung Ha: Twin Matter Waves for Interferometry Beyond the Classical Limit
11/15/2011 GCIS 223 12:00am Cheng Chin: Toward AdS-CFT duality
11/01/2011 GCIS 223 12:00am Xibo Zhang: Revealing the Superfuid Lambda Transition in the Universal Thermodynamics of a Unitary Fermi Gas
10/18/2011 GCIS 223 12:00am Shihkuang Tung: 102ℏk Large Area Atom Interferometers
09/20/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am Colin Parker: Summer research in ENS
08/23/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am Chen-Lung Hung: Correlations and Pair Formation in a Repulsively Interacting Fermi Gas
08/16/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am Harry Lichung Ha: Solitons in a Bose-Einstein condensate
07/26/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am Cheng Chin: Observation of a pairing pseudogap in a 2D Fermi gas
07/12/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am Shihkuang Tung: Laser cooling and trapping
05/24/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am Xibo Zhang: Discussion on Quantum Criticality
05/10/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am Shihkuang Tung: Dynamics and Thermodynamics of the Low-Temperature Strongly Interacting Bose Gas
04/26/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am Arjun Sharma: Anomalous condensate fluctuations in strongly interacting superfluids
04/19/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am Chen-Lung Hung: Universal Quantum Viscosity in a Unitary Fermi Gas
04/12/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am Harry Lichung Ha: Spin–orbit-coupled Bose–Einstein condensates
04/05/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am Cheng Chin: Quantum Simulation of an Antiferromagnetic Spin Chain in an Optical Lattice
03/29/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am Xibo Zhang: Recent progress done by Innsbruck group
03/23/2011 GCIS 223 2:00pm Shihkuang Tung: Can a Bose gas be saturated?
03/16/2011 GCIS 223 2:00pm Arjun Sharma: Li-Cs Experiment: Current Status and Future Plans
03/02/2011 GCIS 223 2:00pm Chen-Lung Hung: Local atom number fluctuations in quantum gases at finite temperature
02/16/2011 GCIS 223 2:00pm Harry Lichung Ha: Probing the relaxation towards equilibrium in an isolated strongly correlated 1D Bose gas
02/09/2011 GCIS 223 2:00pm Cheng Chin: Precision Measurement of Gravity with Cold Atoms in an Optical Lattice and Comparison with a Classical Gravimeter
01/26/2011 GCIS 223 2:00pm Xibo Zhang: Universal Spin Transport in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas
01/19/2011 GCIS 223 2:00pm Shihkuang Tung: Superflow in a toroidal Bose-Einstein condensate: an atom circuit with a tunable weak link
01/05/2011 GCIS 223 2:00pm Arjun Sharma: A new Fermi liquid: the normal phase of a strongly interacting gas of cold atoms




11/24/2010 GCIS 123 2:00pm Chen-Lung Hung: Breakdown of the adiabatic limit in low-dimensional gapless systems
11/17/2010 GCIS 123 2:00pm Colin Parker: Appearance of Fluctuating Stripes at the Onset of Pseudogap in the High-Tc Superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x
11/10/2010 GCIS 123 2:00pm Harry Lichung Ha: Speckle Imaging of Spin Fluctuations in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas
11/03/2010 GCIS B041 2:00pm Cheng Chin: Laser cooling of a diatomic molecule
10/06 GCIS 223 2:00pm Shihkuang Tung: Phonons, g1, and interference
03/10 GCIS 223 1:30pm Arjun Sharma: Frequency Comparison of two High-Accuracy Al+ Optical Clocks, C.-W Chou et al. arXiv:0911.4527-v2[quant-ph]
03/03 GCIS 223 1:30pm Nathan Gemelke: Confinement-induced Resonances in Lower and Mixed Dimensions
02/23 GCIS 223 1:30pm Markus Greiner: Simulating Quantum Magnets of Trapped Ytterbium Atoms
02/03 GCIS 223 1:30pm Zhao-Yuan Ma: Loadng Li-Cs Mixture into Dipole Trap
01/27 GCIS 223 1:30pm Tzu-Chieh Wei: Quantum Entanglement: Manipulating it with Few Particles and Measuring it with Many
01/20 GCIS 223 1:30pm Peter Scherpelz: Multi-Orbital Quantum Phase Diffusion, I. Bloch group; arXiv: 0911.5066
01/13 GCIS 223 1:30pm William Tremble: Loading Radium from MOT to Dipole Trap
01/06 GCIS 223 1:30pm Kathy-Anne Soderberg: Quantum Simulation




12/11 GCIS 223 1:30pm Nathan Gemelke: Universal Thermodynamics in a Fermi Gas
11/18 GCIS 223 1:30pm Nathan Gemelke: Universal Thermodynamics in a Fermi Gas
10/25 GCIS 223 1:30pm Arjun Sharma: Quantum Computation with Neutral Atoms in Optical Lattices
10/14 GCIS 223 1:30pm Arjun Sharma: Entropy Transfer in a Mixture of Ultracold Gases, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 103, No. 14
09/30 GCIS 223 1:30pm Zhao-Yuan Ma: Cold Atoms in Optical Cavities
09/23 GCIS 223 1:30pm Ming-Shien Chang Simulating Quantum Magnets of Trapped Ytterbium Atoms
09/16 GCIS 223 1:30pm Chen-Lung Hung: Observation of 2D Bose Gas from Thermal to Quasi-condensate to Superfluid
09/02 GCIS 223 1:30pm Cheng Chin: Hyperfine Spectra of Trapped Bosons in Optical Lattices
08/26 GCIS 223 1:30pm Peter Scherpelz: Efimov Physics in Li-6
08/19 GCIS 223 1:30pm Xibo Zhang: Cooling Toolbox for Atoms in Optical Lattices; M Popp et al. 2006 New J. Phys. 8 164
08/12 GCIS 223 1:30pm Gyu-Bong Jo: Ultracold Atoms: Coherent Manipulations to Quantum Magnetism
08/05 GCIS 223 1:30pm Kathy-Anne Soderberg: Quantum Computing with Alkaline Earth Atoms
07/15 GCIS 223 1:30pm Steven Knoop: Quantum Computing with Alkaline Earth Atoms
07/08 GCIS 223 1:30pm Kara Lamb: Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Light Storage in Atomic Mott-Insulator; U Schnorrberger et al. ; arXiv:0903.0135v1 [quant-ph]
07/01 GCIS 223 1:30pm Arjun Sharma: A Sonic Black Hole in a Density-Inverted Bose-Einstein Condensate;O Lahav et al. arXiv:0906.1337v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas]
06/24 GCIS 223 1:30pm Nathan Gemelke: Fumbling Around for a More Natural Quantum Computer
06/17 GCIS 223 1:30pm Chen-Lung Hung: Observation of Elastic Decay in the Fermi-Hubbard Model; N. Strohmaier, arXiv: 0905. 2963v1
06/10 GCIS 223 1:30pm Cheng Chin: Hyperfine Spectra of Trapped Bosons in Optical Lattices
05/13 GCIS 223 1:30pm Andreas Klinger: Triangular Bichromatic Lattice for Dual Species Quantum Computing
05/06 GCIS 223 1:30pm Peter Scherpelz: BEC's and Coherence in Magnetic Microtraps, Treutlin et al. PRA, 74, 022312(2006)
04/30 GCIS 223 1:30pm Xibo Zhang: Metallic and Insulating Phases of Repulsively Interacting Fermions in 3D Optical Lattices, U. Schneider et al. Science 322 (5907), 1480.
04/23 GCIS 223 1:30pm Kathy-Anne Soderberg: Superconducting Qubits for Quantum Computing, L. DiCarlo, arXiv:0903.2030v2
04/09 GCIS 223 1:30pm Kara Lamb: A Mott Insulator of Fermionic Atoms in an Optical Lattice
03/23 GCIS 223 1:30pm Arjun Sharma: Squeezing and Entanglement in a Bose-Einstein Condensate, J Esteve et al., doi: 10.1038/nature07332
03/16 GCIS 223 1:30pm Nathan Gemelke: Probing Quantum and Thermal Noise in an Interacting Bose Gas, S Hofferberth, Nature Physics, 4,489 (2008)
03/08 GCIS 223 1:30pm Kang-Kwen Ni: Ultracold Polar Molecules ( JILA, NIST, UC-Boulder)
03/02 GCIS 223 1:30pm Cheng Chin: Observation of Efimov Spectrum in Atomic System
02/23 GCIS 223 1:30pm Cheng Chin: Observation of Fermi Polarons in a Tunable Fermi Liquid of Ultracold Atoms, M. Zwierlein, arXiv:0902.3021 ;
02/16 GCIS 223 1:30pm Peter Scherpelz: Freshbach Resonances in Atomic Mixtures, E. Wille et al. PRL 100, 053201 (2008)
02/09 GCIS 223 1:30pm Chen-Lung Hung: Anderson Localization of a Non-interacting BEC, G. Roati et al. , Nature 453, 12 (2008)
02/02 GCIS 223 1:30pm Xibo Zhang: Preparation and Detection of d-wave Superfluidity in Two Dimensional Optical Superlattices, A.M. Rey et al. , arXiv:0806.0166v1
01/26 GCIS 223 1:30pm Kathy-Anne Soderberg: One-way Quantum Computing, Nature 434, 169 (2005)
01/20 GCIS 223 1:30pm Selim Jochim: The Heidelberg Ultracold Fermion Experiment
01/12 GCIS 223 1:30pm James Joseph: Direct Temperature of Strongly Interacting and Other Trapped Gases




12/15 GCIS 223 1:30pm Kara Lamb: A MOT for Polar Molecules
11/24 GCIS 223 1:30pm Arjun Sharma: Quantum Coherence and Entanglement with Neutral Atoms in Optical Lattices, I. Bloch, Nature 453, 1016-1022 (19 June 2008)
11/17 GCIS 223 1:30pm Chen-Lung Hung: Strong Dissipation Inhibits Loss and Induces Correlation in Cold Molecular Gases, N. Syassen et. al, Science 320, 5881, 2008
11/10 GCIS 223 1:30pm Cheng Chin: Experimental Realization of Wheeler's Delayed-Choice GedankenExperiment, V Jacques, Science 315, 966(200)
11/03 GCIS 223 1:30pm Peter Scherpelz: Presentation on Undergraduate Thesis- Implementing Single Qubit Quantum Secret Sharing
10/27 GCIS 223 1:30pm Xibo Zhang: Interference of Interactng Matter Waves, Gustavsson et al, APS Meeting Abstracts, May 2008
10/20 GCIS 223 1:30pm Kara Lamb: Strongly Interacting Bosons in a Disordered Optical Lattice , arXiv:0807.0446v2
10/13 GCIS 223 1:30pm Kathy Anne Brickman Quantum Information Processing using Rydberg Atoms
10/06 GCIS 223 1:30pm Arjun Sharma: Quantum Information and Triangular OpticalLattices, arXiv:quant-ph/0407121v1
09/29 GCIS 223 1:30pm Nathan Gemelke: Neutral Atom Traps
09/23 GCIS 223 1:30pm Chen-Lung Hung: A Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Uniform LIght Induced Vector Potential, arXiv:0809.2976v1
09/16 GCIS 223 1:30pm Xibo Zhang: Collisions between Tunable Halo Dimers: Exploring an Elementary 4-body Process with Identical Bosons, PRL 101 023201 (2008)
09/09 GCIS 223 1:30pm Kathy-Anne Brickman: Quantum Logic and the Atomic Clock Standard
08/26 GCIS 223 1:30pm Chin-Chun Tsai Laser Spectroscopy of Atoms and Moleculesp
08/11 GCIS 223 1:30pm Cheng Chin: Observation of Nearly Perfect Irrotational Flow in Normal and Superfluid Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases , PRL 99,140401 (2007)
08/04 GCIS 223 1:30pm V. V. Ivanov: Coherent Manipulation of Atomic Sr-58 in Optical Lattices
07/24 GCIS 223 1:30pm Scott Waitukaitis: Techniques for Efficient Transfer of Atoms from MOT to Dipole Trap
07/05 GCIS 223 1:30pm Arjun Sharma: A Mott Insulator of Fermionic Atoms in Optical Lattice
06/22 GCIS 223 1:30pm Chen-Lung Hung: Bragg Spectroscopy of a Strongly Interacting Rb-85 BEC, arXiv: 0805, 0295V1
05/12 GCIS 123 1:30pm Xibo Zhang: Cesium BEC in Two Dimensional Lattice
05/05 GCIS 123 1:30pm Cheng Chin: CC States in RF-Dressed Optical Lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 15041 (2008)
04/28 GCIS 123 1:30pm Nate Gemelke: Efimov States
04/21 GCIS 123 1:30pm Kathy-Anne Brickman: Status of Quantum Computation with Neutral Atoms, Part II
04/15 GCIS 123 1:30pm Scott Waitukaitis: Sympathetic Cooling Two Species in an Optical Lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 253001 (2002)
04/01 GCIS 123 1:30pm Arjun Sharma: Imaging Atoms in a 3D Lattice, Nature Physics 3, 556 - 560 (2007)
03/18 GCIS 123 1:30pm Igor Mazets: Modification of Atomic Scattering Lengths via Magnetic Dipole-Dipole Interactions
03/11 GCIS 123 1:30pm Chen-Lung Hung: Dimensionality of Evaporation in Tilted Dipole Trap (Submitted for Publication)
02/26 GCIS 123 1:30pm Xibo Zhang: Cesium BEC in Optical Lattice: progress report and future plans
02/21 GCIS 123 1:30pm Cheng Chin: Freshbach Resonance Measurements
02/12 GCIS 123 1:30pm Nate Gemelke: Exchange, Quantum Magnets and Frustration with Ultracold Atoms in Lattices; Advances in Physics, 56:2, 243-379
02/05 GCIS 123 1:30pm Holger Muller: Precision Measurement in AMO
01/31 GCIS 123 1:30pm Kathy-Anne Brickman: The State of Neutral Atom Quantum Computing, Part I
01/24 GCIS 123 1:30pm Scott Waitukaitis: New J. Physics 8, 159 Long distance transport of ultracold atoms using a 1D optical lattice. Light Storage, Retrieval and Manipulation
01/17 GCIS 123 1:30pm Arjun Sharma: Nature 448, 452-456 Controlled Exchange Interaction Between Neutral Pairs of Atoms in an Optical Lattice
01/10 GCIS 123 1:30pm Chen-Lung Hung: S-wave Scattering Length, Freshbach Resonance & RF Association of Freshbach Molecules




12/03 GCIS 123 1:30pm Xibo Zhang: PRL 85, 724, 2000
11/27 GCIS 123 1:30pm Yen-Wei Lin: Light Storage, Retrieval and Manipulation
11/06 GCIS 123 1:30pm Cheng Chin: Overview of our experiment and techniques for new students
10/23 GCIS 123 1:30pm Kathy-Anne Brickman: General Overview of Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions (PhD Work)
10/16 GCIS 123 1:30pm Scott Waitukaitis: Faraday Rotation In A Hot Lithium Vapor (Undergraduate Thesis)
10/09 GCIS 123 1:30pm Arjun Sharma: Optimization of Evaporation Trajectory for making BEC in Dynamic Trap (Undergraduate Thesis)
10/02 GCIS 123 1:30pm Serge Haroche: Counting Photons Without Destroying Them: An Ideal Measurement of Light
09/25 GCIS 123 1:30pm Cheng Chin: arXiv:0707.4530 (2007)
09/18 GCIS 123 1:30pm Xibo Zhang: Nature 448, 1029 (2007)
09/11 GCIS 123 1:30pm Chen-Lung Hung: Nature 429, 277 (2004), Science 305, 5687 (2004), PRL 95, 190406 (2005)
08/28 GCIS 123 1:30pm Nate Gemelke: Erbium experiment at NIST 08/22 GCIS 123 1:30pm Cheng Chin:
07/31 GCIS 123 1:30pm Xibo Zhang: Nature 435, 321 (2005)
07/24 GCIS 123 1:30pm Chen-Lung Hung: Nature 441, 1118 (2006)
07/17 GCIS 123 1:30pm Alvin Schubert: "Blurring the Boundaries of Physics and Chemistry: Laser Spectroscopy of Superonic Jet-Cooled Flexible Molecules"
07/10 GCIS 123 1:30pm James Joseph: "Sound Velocity in the BEC-BCS Crossover at Finite Temperature"
06/26 GCIS 123 1:30pm Xibo Zhang: Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 110401 (2005).
06/19 GCIS 123 1:30pm Durdu Guney: "Photonic Bandgap Based Novel Architecture for Quantum Computers and Networks"
06/05 GCIS 123 1:30pm Xibo Zhang: Momentum correlations in cold atom experiments (I)
05/29 GCIS 123 1:30pm Nate Gemelke: Nature, 419, 51 (2002)
05/22 GCIS 123 1:30pm Cheng Chin: Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3799 (1999)
05/15 GCIS 123 1:30pm Chen-Lung Hung: Phys. Rev. A 75, 023603 (2007)
05/08 GCIS 123 1:30pm Xibo Zhang:
05/01 GCIS 123 1:30pm Cheng Chin: Science 315, 1556-1558 (16 March 2007)
04/24 GCIS 123 1:30pm Chen-Lung Hung: Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 090402 (2007)
04/10 GCIS 123 1:30pm Xibo Zhang: Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 080404 (2007)
04/03 GCIS 123 1:30pm Cheng Chin:
03/27 GCIS 123 1:30am Chen-Lung Hung: Nature 445, 623-626 (8 February 2007)
03/12 GCIS 123 1:30pm Kathy-Anne Brickman: "Trapped Ion Quantum Computing"
03/08 GCIS 123 9:00am Xibo Zhang: PRL 98, 043201 (2007)
03/05 GCIS 123 1:30pm Nathan Gemelke: "Band shaping and few-body states in optical lattices" 03/01 GCIS 123 9:00am Cheng Chin:
02/22 GCIS 123 9:00am Xibo Zhang: Nature 443, 671-674 (12 October 2006)
02/15 GCIS 123 9:00am Chen-Lung Hung: Nature 444, 733-736 (7 December 2006)
02/08 GCIS 123 9:00am Cheng Chin: PRA 70 053612 (2004)
02/01 GCIS 123 9:00am Xibo Zhang: Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 240402 (2006)
01/25 GCIS 123 9:00am Chen-Lung Hung: New J. Phys. 5 (2003) 113
01/18 GCIS 123 9:00am Cheng Chin:
01/11 GCIS 123 9:30am General discussion




11/28 GCIS 123 9:30am Xibo Zhang: Nature, 443, 312 (September 2006)
11/21 GCIS 123 9:30am Chen-Lung Hung: Xibo Zhang: Optics design
11/14 GCIS 123 9:30am Cheng Chin: Experiments on atom chip
11/07 GCIS 123 9:30am Chen-Lung Hung: Compare Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 120402 (2006) and Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 180404 (2006)
10/31 GCIS 123 9:30am Xibo Zhang: Introduction to optical imaging Martin Jankowiak Numercial calculation of cesium collisions
10/24 GCIS 123 9:30am Cheng Chin: (First journal club) Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 060403 (2006)




9/28/2005 RI 152 10:30am First group meeting
  1. Henry Ando
  2. Geyue (Frank) Cai
  3. Cheng Chin
  4. Lambert Kong
  5. Sarah McCusker
  6. Tadej Mežnaršič
  7. Shu Nagata
  8. Claire Pritts
  9. Lauren Weiss
  10. Evan Yamaguchi
  11. Rahaf Youssef
  12. Mingjiamei Zhang