2025 |
01/06/2025 GCIS E123 10:30am | Jiamei: Fast quantum gas formation via electromagnetically induced transparency cooling |
2024 |
12/02/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am | Eunice Lee: PhD work in Wolfgang Ketterle's group |
11/18/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am | Henry: Measuring pair correlations in Bose and Fermi gases via atom-resolved microscopy |
10/28/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am | Evan: Optomechanical self-organization in a mesoscopic atom array |
10/21/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am | Tadej: Real-space detection and manipulation of topological edge modes with ultracold atoms |
10/14/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am | Lambert: Geometric squeezing into the lowest Landau level |
09/09/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am | Cheng: Frequency ratio of the Th nuclear isomeric transition and the Sr atomic Clock |
09/30/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am | Geyue: Universal clusters in quasi-two-dimensional ultracold Fermi mixtures |
08/12/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am | Shu: Realizing a spatially correlated lattice interferometer |
08/05/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am | General discussion |
07/29/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am | Henry: Control theory (from the Nise textbook) |
07/22/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am | Lauren: Bose-Einstein condensation by polarization gradient laser cooling |
07/17/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am | Nin: Project presentation; Evan: Vacuum Beam Guide for Large Scale Quantum Networks |
06/17/2024 GCIS E223 10:30am | Rahaf: Previous work presentation |
05/13/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am | Shu: Fast single atom imaging in optical latic arrays |
05/06/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am | Sarah: Thermography of the superfluid transition in a strongly interacting Fermi gas |
04/29/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am | Cheng: Optical binding with cold atoms |
04/15/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am | Henry: Observation of Cooper Pairs in a Mesoscopic 2D Fermi Gas |
04/01/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am | Geyue: Observation and quantification of the pseudogap in unitary Fermi gases |
03/25/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am | Evan: Practice candidacy defense |
03/18/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am | Jiamei: Continuous operation of large-scale atom arrays in optical lattices |
02/26/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am | Evan: Superradiant and Subradiant Cavity Scattering by Atom Arrays |
02/19/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am | Sarah: Machine Learning the Phase Diagram of a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas |
02/12/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am | Shu: Matter-wave interferometers with trapped strongly interacting Feshbach molecules |
01/29/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am | Lauren: Continuous Mott transition in semiconductor moiré superlattices |
01/22/2024 GCIS E123 10:30am | Jay: Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless crossover in a trapped atomic gas |
2023 |
11/13/2023 GCIS E123 10:30am | Talk from Junheng Tao |
11/06/2023 GCIS E123 10:30am | Discussion with Prof. Wilhelm Zwerger |
10/30/2023 GCIS E123 10:30am | Geyue: Λ-enhanced sub-Doppler cooling of lithium atoms in D1 gray molasses |
10/23/2023 GCIS 500A 10:30am | Henry: Formation of matter-wave soliton trains by modulational instability |
10/13/2023 GCIS E223 10:30am | Lauren: Report on France |
09/08/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Eva: Update on Optical Spectroscopy; Jiamei: Raman Sideband Cooling of Molecules in an Optical Tweezer Array |
09/01/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Evan: Observation of Nagaoka Polarons in a Fermi-Hubbard Quantum Simulator and Directly imaging spin polarons in a kinetically frustrated Hubbard system |
08/25/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Jeffrey: Update on ice particle levitation; Shu: A planar cloverleaf antenna for the creation of circularly polarized microwave fields |
08/11/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Sarah: MLOOP |
07/28/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Jay: Ultracold field-linked tetratomic molecules |
06/30/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Nick: GHZ states with Time-Bin Qubits |
06/23/2023 GCIS 223 9:30am | SeungJung Huh: Nonequlibrium spin dynamics in a strongly ferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensate |
06/09/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | DAMOP |
06/02/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Lambert Kong: Guest talk; Shu and Geyue: DAMOP practice talks |
05/26/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Jon: Practice thesis defense |
05/12/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Youjia Huang: Current experiment status near 0 scattering length; Henry: Bose polarons near quantum criticality |
05/05/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Callum Welsh: Senior thesis defense rehearsal; Youjia Huang: Observation of self-patterned defect formation in atomic superfluids – from ring dark solitons to vortex dipole necklaces |
04/28/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Michael Rautenberg: From heteronuclear Efimov effect to Fermi polarons |
04/21/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Evan: Part II: quench cooling and experimental results |
04/14/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Evan: Feedback cooled Bose-Einstein condensation: near and far from equilibrium (his own work!) |
04/07/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Group updates |
03/31/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Lauren: Coupling Single Atoms to a Nanophotonic Whispering-Gallery-Mode Resonator via Optical Guiding |
03/24/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Jon: Spin- and momentum-correlated atom pairs mediated by photon exchange |
03/17/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Shu: Tracing orbital images on ultrafast time scales |
02/17/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Sarah: Making statistics work: a quantum engine in the BEC-BCS crossover |
02/10/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Yunpeng Ji: Probing Many-body Physics in a Homogeneous Fermi gas |
01/27/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Jon: A QMS Mystery! Cheng: Realization of a fractional quantum Hall state with ultracold atoms |
01/20/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Henry: Tunable itinerant spin dynamics with polar molecules (with special guest Annette Carroll) |
01/13/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Jay: A Feshbach resonance in collisions between ultracold ground state molecules |
01/06/2023 GCIS 223 10:30am | Jiamei: Time-of-Flight Quantum Tomography of Single Atom Motion |
2022 |
12/09/2022 GCIS 223 10:30am | Evan: Floquet Engineering a Bosonic Josephson Junction |
12/02/2022 GCIS 223 10:30am | Dr. Jared Gan: special talk |
11/11/2022 GCIS 223 10:30am | Lauren: Quantum gas microscopy of a geometrically frustrated Hubbard system |
10/28/2022 GCIS 223 10:30am | Jon: Controllable atomic collision in a tight optical dipole trap |
10/21/2022 GCIS 223 10:30am | Geyue: Direct observation of non-local fermion pairing in an attractive Fermi-Hubbard gas |
10/14/2022 GCIS 223 10:30am | Yi-Hsien Du: Guest speaker |
10/07/2022 GCIS 223 10:30am | Shu: Quantum field simulator for dynamics in curved spacetime |
09/30/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Callum's summer research + Jay: experimental verification of the area law of mutual information in quantum field theory |
09/08/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Cheng: Observation of bosonic stimulation in light scattering |
09/01/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Chang (Nick): Generation and Z-basis characterization of time-bin encoded GHZ states for scalable quantum networks |
08/26/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Henry: Self-oscillating geometric pump in a dissipative atom-cavity system |
08/19/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Qiyu Laing (Purdue) visits! |
08/12/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Geyue: Aharonov-Bohm Caging and Inverse Anderson transition in Ultracold Atoms |
07/29/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Jiamei: Superresolution microscopy of optical fields using tweezer-trapped single atoms |
07/22/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Lauren: In-situ equalization of single-atom loading in large-scale optical tweezers arrays |
07/15/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Jon: Tutorial on Raman sideband cooling |
07/08/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Andrew: Progress on Photomolecular Evaporation of Water |
07/01/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Shu: Spontaneous Formation of Star-Shaped Surface Patterns in a Driven Bose-Einstein Condensate |
06/24/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Zhendong: Time-Reversal-Based Quantum Metrology with Many-Body Entangled States |
06/17/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Zhendong: Magneto-Optical Trap and Optical Molasses Tutorial |
06/10/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Jonathan: Imprinting Persistent Currents in Tunable Fermionic Rings |
06/03/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | DAMOP! |
05/27/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | No journal club due to DAMOP conference next week! |
05/20/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | DAMOP practice talks |
05/13/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Kevin: Optical Lattice Tutorial |
05/06/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Krutik: Preparation of the Spin-Mott State: A Spinful Mott Insulator of Repulsively Bound Pairs |
04/28/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Krutik: Preparation of the Spin-Mott State: A Spinful Mott Insulator of Repulsively Bound Pairs |
04/22/2022 GCIS 223 10:00am | Cheng: SU(1, 1) Interferometry |
03/18/2022 GCIS 223 09:00am | Frank: Emergence of isotropy and dynamic self-similarity in the birth of two-dimensional wave turbulence |
02/11/2022 GCIS 223 09:00am | Zhendong: Evaporation of microwave-shielded polar molecules to quantum degeneracy |
02/04/2022 GCIS 223 09:00am | Jiamei: Two particle interference in tunnel coupled optical tweezers |
01/28/2022 GCIS 223 09:00am | Kevin: Topological pumping in a Floquet-Bloch band |
01/21/2022 Zoom 09:00am | Lauren: Novel single-mode narrow-band photon source of high brightness tuned to cesium D2 line |
01/10/2022 Zoom 10:30am | Jon: Cavity-enhanced optical lattices for scaling neutral atom quantum technologies |
11/29/2022 GCIS 223 10:30am | Krutik: Transition from a polaronic condensate to a degenerate Fermi gas of heteronuclear molecules |
2021 |
11/15/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am | Shu: Resonant collisional shielding of reactive molecules using electric fields |
11/08/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am | Cheng: Observation of fragmentation of a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate |
11/01/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am | Frank: Catching Bethe phantoms and quantum many-body scars: Long-lived spin-helix states in Heisenberg magnets |
10/25/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am | Zhendong: An optical lattice with sound |
10/18/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am | Jiamei: Signature of bath-induced quantum avalanches in a many-body-localized system |
10/11/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am | Kevin: Realising the Symmetry-Protected Haldane phase in Fermi-Hubbard Ladders |
10/04/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am | Lauren: Controlled creation and decay of singly-quantized vortices in a polar magnetic phase |
09/20/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am | Jon: Observation of a dissipative time crystal |
09/13/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am | Krutik: Black-body radiation induced facilitated excitation of Rydberg atoms in optical tweezers |
08/30/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am | Shu: Quantum register of fermion pairs |
08/16/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am | Cheng: Evidence for an atomic chiral superfluid with topological excitations |
08/02/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am | Frank: Sound emission and annihilations in a programmable quantum vortex collider |
07/26/2021 GCIS 223 10:30am | Krutik: Quantum gas microscopy of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang superdiffusion |
07/12/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Jiamei: Observation of a prethermal discrete time crystal |
07/05/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Kevin: Observation of first and second sound in a BKT superfluid |
06/21/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Jon: Programmable Interactions and Emergent Geometry in an Atomic Array |
06/14/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Zhendong: Two-particle interference with double twin-atom beams |
06/07/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Shu: Pattern Formation in Quantum Ferrofluids: from Supersolids to Superglasses |
05/17/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Cheng: Observing the emergence of a quantum phase transition shell by shell |
05/10/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Geyue: Quantum gas magnifier for sub-lattice-resolved imaging of three-dimensional quantum systems |
04/26/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Jiamei: Evidence of superfluidity in a dipolar supersolid from nonclassical rotational inertia |
04/19/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Kevin: Controlling quantum many-body dynamics in driven Rydberg atom arrays |
04/05/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Jon: Adjustable refractive power from diffractive moire elements & Long distance optical transport of ultracold atoms a compact setup using a moire lens |
03/29/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Krutik: Pauli blocking of atomic spontaneous decay |
03/22/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Shu: Repeated measurements with minimally destructive partial-transfer absorption imaging |
03/08/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Cheng: A compact and fast magnetic coil for the interaction manipulation of quantum gases with feshbach resonances |
03/01/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Geyue: Observation of quasiparticle pair-production and quantum entanglement in atomic quantum gases quenched to an attractive interaction |
02/22/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Zhendong: Observation of many-body quantum phase transitions beyond the Kibble-Zurek mechanism |
02/15/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Jiamei: A quantum-logic gate between distant quantum-network modules |
02/08/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Kevin: Quantum computational advantage using photons |
01/25/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Jon: Protocol for autonomous rearrangement of cold atoms into low-entropy configurations |
01/18/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Krutik: Production and characterization of a fragmented spinor Bose-Einstein condensate |
01/11/2021 Zoom 10:30am | Shu: Three-dimensional trapping of individual Rydberg atoms in ponderomotive bottle beam traps |
2020 |
12/21/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Connor: Interplay between coherent and dissipative dynamics of bosonic doublons in an optical lattice |
12/14/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Cheng: Measurement of identical particle entanglement and the influence of antisymmetrization |
11/30/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Liangchao: Realization of an anomalous Floquet topological system with ultracold atoms |
11/23/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Geyue: Quantum-torque-induced breaking of magnetic domain walls in ultracold gases |
11/16/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Zhendong: Interferometric Unruh detectors for Bose-Einstein condensates |
11/09/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Jiamei: Measurement of the time spent by a tunnelling atom within the barrier region |
10/19/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Kevin: Microscopic electronic structure tomography of Rydberg macrodimers |
10/12/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Jonathan: Doublon-Hole Correlations and Fluctuation Thermometry in a Fermi-Hubbard Gas |
10/05/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Krutik: Modelling quantum aspects of disruption of a white dwarf star by a black hole |
09/28/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Shu: Loss of ultracold RbCs molecules via optical excitation of long-lived two-body collision complexes |
09/21/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Connor: Engineering spin squeezing in a 3D optical lattice with interacting spin-orbit-coupled fermions |
09/14/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Cheng: Neural network quantum state tomography in a two-qubit experiment |
08/31/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Liangchao: A subradiant optical mirror formed by a single structured atomic layer |
08/24/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Geyue: Observation of first and second sound in a Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless superfluid |
08/17/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Zhendong: Periodically and Quasi-periodically Driven Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates |
08/10/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Jiamei: An ideal Josephson junction in an ultracold two-dimensional Fermi gas |
08/03/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Kevin: Observation of domain wall confinement and dynamics |
07/20/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Jonathan: Interaction-Enhanced Group Velocity of Bosons in the Flat Band of an Optical Kagome Lattice |
07/13/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Krutik: Observation of superfluidity in a strongly correlated two dimensional Fermi gas |
07/06/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Shu: Breathing mode of a Bose-Einstein condensate repulsively interacting with a fermionic reservoir |
06/29/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Cheng: Synthetic dissipation and cascade fluxes in a turbulent quantum gas |
06/22/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Liangchao: Cooling and entangling ultracold atoms in optical lattices |
06/15/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Frank: Observation of Pauli Crystals |
06/08/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Zhendong: Collisional cooling of ultracold molecules |
05/25/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Jiamei: Suppressing dissipation in a Floquet-Hubbard system |
05/18/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Kevin: Observation of gauge invariance in a 71-site quantum simulator |
05/11/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Jon: Efficient ground-state cooling of large trapped-ion chains with an EIT tripod scheme |
05/04/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Krutik: Forming a single molecule by magnetoassociation in an optical tweezer |
04/27/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Shu: Robust Bilayer Charge-Pumping for Spin- and Density-Resolved Quantum Gas Microscopy |
04/20/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Cheng: Experimental charaterization of two-particle entanglement through position and momentum correlations |
04/13/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Liangchao: Observation of dynamical fermionization |
04/06/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Frank: Supersolid symmetry breaking from compressional oscillations in a dipolar quantum gas |
03/30/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Zhendong: Mott-insulator-aided detection of ultra-narrow Feshbach resonances |
03/23/2020 Zoom 10:30am | Jiamei: Anomalous decay of coherence in a dissipative many-body system |
03/09/2020 GCIS 223 10:30am | Kevin: The low energy Goldstone mode in a trapped dipolar supersolid |
03/02/2020 GCIS 223 10:30am | Krutik: Quantum simulation of the quantum Rabi model in a trapped ion |
02/25/2020 GCIS 223 10:30am | Cheng: Geometric squeezing into the lowest Landau level |
02/17/2020 GCIS 223 10:30am | Liangchao: Synthesized magnetic field of a sawtooth superradiance lattice in Bose-Einstein condensates |
02/10/2020 GCIS 223 10:30am | Frank: Ultrafast many-body interferometry of impurities coupled to a Fermi sea |
02/03/2020 GCIS 223 10:30am | Zhendong: Coherent superposition of Feshbach dimers and Efimov dimers |
01/20/2020 GCIS 223 10:30am | Jiamei: Time-resolved observation of spin-charge deconfinement in fermionic Hubbard chains |
2019 |
11/25/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am | Kevin: Parallel Implementation of High-Fidelity Multiqubit Gates with Neutral Atoms |
11/18/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am | Krutik: Observation of glassy dynamics in a disordered quantum spin system |
09/23/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am | Jonathan: Subdiffusion and heat transport in a tilted 2D Fermi-Hubbard system |
08/26/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am | Cheng: Quantum theory cannot consistently describe the use of itself |
08/19/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am | Geyue: Observation of quantum droplets in a heteronuclear bosonic mixture |
07/29/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am | Zhendong: Dynamical Symmetry and Breathers in a Two-Dimensional Bose Gas |
05/20/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Kevin: 20 qubit Cat state with Rydberg atom array |
05/13/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Jonathan: Quantum virtual cooling |
04/29/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Krutik: Dynamical spin orbit coupling through superradiance |
04/22/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Mickey: Event horizon telescope |
04/15/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Lei: Supersolid in dipolar gases |
04/08/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Brian: Bose-Fermi droplets in low dimensions |
04/01/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Cheng: Floquet approach to Z2 lattice gauge theories with ultracold atoms in optical lattices |
03/11/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Geyue: Spectral response and contact of the unitary Fermi gas |
02/18/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Zhendong: Faraday waves in BEC |
02/11/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Kevin: Machine learning and Fermi gas microscope |
01/28/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Jonathan: Raman sideband cooling into BEC |
01/21/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Krutik: Realisation of density-dependent Peierls phases to couple dynamical gauge fields to matter |
2018 |
11/25/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am | Kevin: Parallel Implementation of High-Fidelity Multiqubit Gates with Neutral Atoms |
11/18/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am | Krutik: Observation of glassy dynamics in a disordered quantum spin system |
09/23/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am | Jonathan: Subdiffusion and heat transport in a tilted 2D Fermi-Hubbard system |
08/26/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am | Cheng: Quantum theory cannot consistently describe the use of itself |
08/19/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am | Geyue: Observation of quantum droplets in a heteronuclear bosonic mixture |
07/29/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am | Zhendong: Dynamical Symmetry and Breathers in a Two-Dimensional Bose Gas |
05/20/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Kevin: 20 qubit Cat state with Rydberg atom array |
05/13/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Jonathan: Quantum virtual cooling |
04/29/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Krutik: Dynamical spin orbit coupling through superradiance |
04/22/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Mickey: Event horizon telescope |
04/15/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Lei: Supersolid in dipolar gases |
04/08/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Brian: Bose-Fermi droplets in low dimensions |
04/01/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Cheng: Floquet approach to Z2 lattice gauge theories with ultracold atoms in optical lattices |
03/11/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Geyue: Spectral response and contact of the unitary Fermi gas |
02/18/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Zhendong: Faraday waves in BEC |
02/11/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Kevin: Machine learning and Fermi gas microscope |
01/28/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Jonathan: Raman sideband cooling into BEC |
01/21/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Krutik: Realisation of density-dependent Peierls phases to couple dynamical gauge fields to matter |
2017 |
11/25/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am | Kevin: Parallel Implementation of High-Fidelity Multiqubit Gates with Neutral Atoms |
11/18/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am | Krutik: Observation of glassy dynamics in a disordered quantum spin system |
09/23/2019 GCIS 123 10:00am | Jonathan: Subdiffusion and heat transport in a tilted 2D Fermi-Hubbard system |
08/26/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am | Cheng: Quantum theory cannot consistently describe the use of itself |
08/19/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am | Geyue: Observation of quantum droplets in a heteronuclear bosonic mixture |
07/29/2019 GCIS 123 10:30am | Zhendong: Dynamical Symmetry and Breathers in a Two-Dimensional Bose Gas |
05/20/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Kevin: 20 qubit Cat state with Rydberg atom array |
05/13/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Jonathan: Quantum virtual cooling |
04/29/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Krutik: Dynamical spin orbit coupling through superradiance |
04/22/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Mickey: Event horizon telescope |
04/15/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Lei: Supersolid in dipolar gases |
04/08/2019 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Brian: Bose-Fermi droplets in low dimensions |
04/01/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Cheng: Floquet approach to Z2 lattice gauge theories with ultracold atoms in optical lattices |
03/11/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Geyue: Spectral response and contact of the unitary Fermi gas |
02/18/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Zhendong: Faraday waves in BEC |
02/11/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Kevin: Machine learning and Fermi gas microscope |
01/28/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Jonathan: Raman sideband cooling into BEC |
01/21/2019 GCIS 223 10:30am | Krutik: Realisation of density-dependent Peierls phases to couple dynamical gauge fields to matter |
2016 |
12/02/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Cheng: Observation of quantum Hawking radiation and its entanglement in an analogue black hole |
11/18/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Jonathan: Nonergodic diffusion of single atoms in a periodic potential |
11/11/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Krutik: Observation of a persistent non-equilibrium state in cold atoms |
11/04/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Mickey: Spectral discrimination in color blind animals via chromatic aberration and pupil shape |
10/14/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Lei: Momentum correlation in a 1D Bose gas |
09/30/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Brian: Fermion-mediated long range interaction for Bosons |
09/16/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Logan: Symmetry requiring Asymmetry |
09/09/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Cheng: Emergence of a Turbulent Cascade in a Quantum Gas |
09/02/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Krutik: Bloch oscillations in the absence of a lattice |
08/26/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Jacob Sub-atom shot noise Faraday imaging of ultracold atom clouds |
08/12/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Lei: Out of time order correlation function in a quantum phase transistion. |
07/29/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Brian: Bose polarons in strongly interacting regime. |
07/22/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Logan: Many-body localization in a homogeneous potential. |
07/08/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Cheng: Observation of Spatial Charge and Spin Correlations in the 2D Fermi-Hubbard Model. |
07/01/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Jonathan: Configurable microscopic optical potentials for Bose-Einstein condensates using a digital-micromirror device. |
06/24/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Krutik: Strange metal in a lattice fermi gas. |
06/17/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Jacob Many-body Localization of trapped Ions. |
06/10/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Harry Observation of quantum droplets in a strongly dipolar Bose gas. |
05/20/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Logan Clark: Universal dynamics of bosons crossing a quantum phase transition. |
05/08/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Lei Feng: Coarsening Dynamics of Binary Bose Condensates. |
04/22/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Gustaf Downs: Exploring the many-body localization transition in two dimensions. |
04/15/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Brian DeSalvo: Review of dynamics of fermions. |
04/08/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Logan Clark: Review of Spin-orbit coupling. |
02/26/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Cheng Chin: Measurement of entanglement entropy. |
02/19/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Jacob Johansen. |
02/12/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Jonathan Trisnadi: Rapid Production of Uniformly filled Arrays of Neutral Atoms. |
02/05/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Harry Ha: Measurement noise 100 times lower than the quantum-projection limit using entangled atoms. |
01/29/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Lei Feng: Three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii solitary waves in optical lattices: Stabilization using the artificial quartic kinetic energy induced by lattice shaking. |
01/22/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Mickey: McDonald: Photoassociation of dipolar molecules in strontium. |
01/15/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Jason Ho: Fascinating new ideas of quantum simulation in ultracold quantum gas. |
01/08/2016 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Gustaf Downs: Site-resolved imaging of a fermonic Mott insulator. |
2015 |
11/20/2015 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Brian DeSalvo: Observing the Rosensweig instability of a quantum ferrofluid. |
10/30/2015 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Chenyu Xu: Interference and dynamics of light from a distance-controlled atom pair in an optical cavity. |
10/08/2015 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Logan Clark: Kibble-Zurek Mechanism in Quantum Phase Transition |
09/25/2015 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Cheng Chin: Rapid production of Uniformly filled arrays of neutral atoms. |
09/18/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Jonathan Trisnadi: A self-interfering clock as a “which path” witness. |
08/28/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Colin Parker: Geometrical pumping with a Bose-Einstein condensate. |
08/21/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Jacob Johansen: Fast machine-learning online optimization of ultra-cold-atom experiments. |
08/14/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Harry Lichung Ha: Itinerant density wave instabilities at classical and quantum critical points. |
08/07/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Lei Feng: Decoherence of Impurities in a Fermi Sea of Ultracold Atoms |
07/24/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Gus Downs: Entangling two transportable neutral atoms via local spin exchange |
07/24/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Logan Clark: Optical Boson Sampling |
07/17/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Cheng Chin: The Thouless Quantum Pump with Ultracold Bosonic Atoms in an Optical Superlattice |
07/02/2015 GCIS E041 11:00am | Chenyu Xu: Bosonic condensation in a flat energy band |
06/26/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Colin Parker: Kondo effect in ultracold atoms |
06/05/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Jacob Johansen: Observation of the Efimov state of the helium trimer |
05/22/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Harry Lichung Ha: Universal dynamics of a quench quantum gas |
05/08/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Lei Feng: Three-Body Recombination at Vanishing Scattering Lengths in an Ultracold Bose Gas |
04/10/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Gustaf Downs: Two Fermions in a Double Well: Exploring a Fundamental Building Block of the Hubbard Model |
04/03/2015 GCIS 223 12:30pm | Logan Clark: Einstein–Bohr recoiling double-slit gedanken experiment performed at the molecular level |
03/27/2015 GCIS 223 3:00pm | Chen-Yu Xu: A mixture of Bose and Fermi superfluids |
03/20/2015 GCIS 223 3:00pm | Cheng Chin: Classical Time Crystals and Quantum Time Crystals |
02/20/2015 GCIS 223 3:00pm | Harry Lichung Ha: Critical dynamics of spontaneous symmetry breaking in a homogeneous Bose gas |
01/23/2015 GCIS 223 3:00pm | Jacob Johansen: Fermionic suppression of dipolar relaxation: Observation of universal inelastic dipolar scattering |
01/16/2015 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Lei Feng: Metastability and coherence of repulsive polarons in a strongly interacting Fermi mixture |
2014 |
12/11/2014 GCIS 223 10:30am | Gustaf Downs: Demonstration of a strong Rydberg blockade in three-atom systems with anisotropic interactions |
12/04/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Logan Clark: Repeated output coupling of ultracold Feshbach molecules from a Cs BEC |
11/30/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Cheng Chin: 1. Cooling a Single Atom in an Optical Tweezer to Its Quantum Ground State, 2. Nondestructive imaging of an ultracold lattice gas |
11/07/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Colin Parker: Breakdown of Fermi liquid description for strongly interacting fermions |
09/19/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Jacob Johansen: Observation of coherent quench dynamics in a metallic many-body state of fermions |
08/01/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Harry Lichung Ha: Precision measurement of the Newtonian gravitational constant using cold atoms |
07/25/2014 GCIS 223 2:00pm | Gustaf Downs: Two-particle quantum interference in tunnel-coupled optical tweezers |
07/11/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Logan Clark: Direct evidence for R-rotons having antiparallel momentum and velocity |
06/27/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Lei Feng: A Bright Solitonic Matter-Wave Interferometer |
04/18/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Cheng Chin: Roton-Type Mode Softening in a Quantum Gas with Cavity-Mediated Long-Range Interactions |
02/14/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Colin Parker: Observation of the Meissner effect with ultracold atoms in bosonic ladders |
01/24/2014 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Karina Jiménez García: Bath-induced band decay of a Hubbard lattice gas |
01/03/2014 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Eric Hazlett: Direct Observation of Fragmentation in a Disordered, Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas |
2013 |
11/22/2013 GCIS 223 12:30pm | Harry Lichung Ha: Fractal energy spectrum of a polariton gas in a Fibonacci quasi-periodic potential |
11/15/2013 GCIS 223 12:30pm | Logan Clark: Making Black Holes out of Cold Atoms |
11/08/2013 GCIS 223 12:30pm | Sebastian Will Towards Dipolar Molecules of 23Na40K - A new player in the field of ultracold quantum matter |
11/01/2013 GCIS EB41 12:30pm | Xibo Zhang: Making the best atomic clock and using it to study quantum many-body physics |
10/18/2013 GCIS 223 12:30pm | Cheng Chin: Realization of the Harper-Hofstadter Hamiltonian |
10/11/2013 GCIS ESB36 12:30pm | Shihkuang Tung: Ultracold Heteronuclear Mixture of Ground and Excited State Atoms |
10/04/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Colin Parker: Macroscopic coherence between quantum condensates formed at different times |
09/27/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Jacob Johansen: Bound states of a localized magnetic impurity in a superfluid of paired ultracold fermions |
08/16/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Eric Hazlett: Detection of a Spinning Object Using Light’s Orbital Angular Momentum |
09/20/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Mingwu Lu: Dipolar Quantum Gases of Dysprosium |
08/16/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Eric Hazlett: Detection of a Spinning Object Using Light’s Orbital Angular Momentum |
08/09/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Cheng Chin: Quantum Nonlinear Optics using cold atomic ensembles |
06/14/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Karina Jiménez García: A 23Na and 87Rb double Bose-Einstein condensate with tunable interactions |
05/17/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Harry Lichung Ha: Tests of universal three-body physics in an ultracold Bose-Fermi mixture |
04/26/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Logan Clark: Many-body quantum quench in an atomic one-dimensional Ising chain |
04/05/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Cheng Chin: An optical spectrum analyzer with quantum limited noise floor |
03/29/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Shihkuang Tung: Evidence for sympathetic vibrational cooling of translationally cold molecules |
03/22/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Jacob Johansen: Universality of the three-body Efimov parameter at narrow Feshbach resonances |
03/15/2013 GCIS ESB041 1:00pm | Colin Parker: APS March Meeting practice talk |
03/08/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Eric Hazlett: Second sound and the superfluid fraction in a resonantly interacting Fermi gas |
03/01/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Karina Jiménez García: Heavy Solitons in a Fermionic Superfluid |
02/15/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Harry Lichung Ha: Superfluid fountain effect in a Bose-Einstein condensate |
02/08/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Logan Clark: Environment-Assisted Quantum Transport |
02/01/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Cheng Chin: Quantum magnetism of ultracold fermions in an optical lattice |
01/25/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Shihkuang Tung: Shedding Light on Three-Body Recombination in an Ultracold Atomic Gas |
01/18/2013 GCIS 223 1:00pm | Colin Parker: Long-Range Incommensurate Charge Fluctuations in (Y,Nd)Ba2Cu3O6+x |
01/11/2013 GCIS EB41 1:00pm | Jacob Johansen: Bose-Einstein condensation of atoms in a uniform potential |
2012 |
12/10/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Ulrich Eismann: Magnetic Feshbach molecule association |
12/03/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Karina Jimenez-Garcia: Spin–orbit-coupled Bose–Einstein condensates |
11/26/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Eric Hazlett: Laser cooling to quantum degeneracy |
11/19/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Harry Lichung Ha: Observation of mesoscopic crystalline structures in a two-dimensional Rydberg gas |
11/12/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Cheng Chin: Persistent currents in spinor condensates |
10/29/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Shih-Kuang Tung: Evaporative cooling of the dipolar radical OH |
10/15/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Eric Hazlett: Observing the Drop of Resistance in the Flow of a Superfluid Fermi Gas |
10/08/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Colin Parker: Evidence for orbital superfluidity in the P-band of a bipartite optical square lattice |
10/01/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Jacob Johansen: Two-Dimensional Fermi Liquid with Attractive Interactions |
09/24/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Harry Lichung Ha: Roton-Type Mode Softening in a Quantum Gas with Cavity-Mediated Long-Range Interactions |
09/17/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Shihkuang Tung: Bose-Einstein Condensation of Erbium |
08/27/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Colin Parker: Momentum-resolved Raman spectroscopy of bound molecules in ultracold Fermi gas |
08/20/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Ulrich Eismann: Putting Bosons in Unitarity |
08/06/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Jacob Johansen: A single ion as a three-body reaction center in an ultracold atomic gas |
07/23/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Ulrich Eismann: An all-solid-state CW-671 nm laser source |
07/09/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Harry Lichung Ha: Direct Observation of Quantum Phonon Fluctuations in a One-Dimensional Bose Gas |
07/02/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Cheng Chin: Ultracold Fermionic Feshbach Molecules of 23Na40K |
06/11/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Nicolas Spethmann: Single impurity atoms immersed in an ultracold gas |
05/28/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Shihkuang Tung: Spin-Injection Spectroscopy of a Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermi Gas |
04/30/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Colin Parker: Spin–orbital separation in the quasi-one-dimensional Mott insulator Sr2CuO3 |
04/23/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Jacob Johansen: Dynamics of unstable quantum pendulum |
04/16/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Harry Lichung Ha: Preparation and spectroscopy of a metastable Mott insulator state with attractive interactions |
04/09/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Cheng Chin: Interferometric Measurement of Local Spin-Fluctuations in a Quantum Gas |
04/02/2012 GCIS 223 11:00am | Xibo Zhang: Bose Gases Near Unitarity |
03/20/2012 GCIS 223 12:00am | Shihkuang Tung: Superfluid quenching of the moment of inertia in a strongly interacting Fermi gas |
03/07/2012 GCIS EB41 01:30pm | Colin Parker: Fermionic transport and out-of-equilibrium dynamics in a homogeneous Hubbard model with ultracold atoms |
02/28/2012 GCIS 223 12:00am | Jacob Johansen: Scale Invariance and Viscosity of a Two-Dimensional Fermi Gas |
02/14/2012 GCIS 223 12:00am | Harry Lichung Ha: Hanbury Brown and Twiss correlations across the Bose–Einstein condensation threshold |
01/31/2012 GCIS 223 12:00am | Colin Parker: Observation of a superfluid Hall effect |
01/24/2012 GCIS 223 12:00am | Xibo Zhang: Measurement of Optical Feshbach Resonances in an Ideal Gas |
01/17/2012 GCIS 223 12:00am | Shihkuang Tung: Experimental Realization of Strong Effective Magnetic Fields in an Optical Lattice |
01/10/2012 GCIS 223 12:00am | Cheng Chin: Near-deterministic preparation of a single atom in an optical microtrap |
2011 |
12/13/2011 GCIS 223 12:00am | Jacob Johansen: Quantum degenerate Bose-Fermi mixture of chemically different atomic species with widely tunable interactions |
11/29/2011 GCIS 223 12:00am | Harry Lichung Ha: Twin Matter Waves for Interferometry Beyond the Classical Limit |
11/15/2011 GCIS 223 12:00am | Cheng Chin: Toward AdS-CFT duality |
11/01/2011 GCIS 223 12:00am | Xibo Zhang: Revealing the Superfuid Lambda Transition in the Universal Thermodynamics of a Unitary Fermi Gas |
10/18/2011 GCIS 223 12:00am | Shihkuang Tung: 102ℏk Large Area Atom Interferometers |
09/20/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am | Colin Parker: Summer research in ENS |
08/23/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am | Chen-Lung Hung: Correlations and Pair Formation in a Repulsively Interacting Fermi Gas |
08/16/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am | Harry Lichung Ha: Solitons in a Bose-Einstein condensate |
07/26/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am | Cheng Chin: Observation of a pairing pseudogap in a 2D Fermi gas |
07/12/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am | Shihkuang Tung: Laser cooling and trapping |
05/24/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am | Xibo Zhang: Discussion on Quantum Criticality |
05/10/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am | Shihkuang Tung: Dynamics and Thermodynamics of the Low-Temperature Strongly Interacting Bose Gas |
04/26/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am | Arjun Sharma: Anomalous condensate fluctuations in strongly interacting superfluids |
04/19/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am | Chen-Lung Hung: Universal Quantum Viscosity in a Unitary Fermi Gas |
04/12/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am | Harry Lichung Ha: Spin–orbit-coupled Bose–Einstein condensates |
04/05/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am | Cheng Chin: Quantum Simulation of an Antiferromagnetic Spin Chain in an Optical Lattice |
03/29/2011 GCIS 223 11:00am | Xibo Zhang: Recent progress done by Innsbruck group |
03/23/2011 GCIS 223 2:00pm | Shihkuang Tung: Can a Bose gas be saturated? |
03/16/2011 GCIS 223 2:00pm | Arjun Sharma: Li-Cs Experiment: Current Status and Future Plans |
03/02/2011 GCIS 223 2:00pm | Chen-Lung Hung: Local atom number fluctuations in quantum gases at finite temperature |
02/16/2011 GCIS 223 2:00pm | Harry Lichung Ha: Probing the relaxation towards equilibrium in an isolated strongly correlated 1D Bose gas |
02/09/2011 GCIS 223 2:00pm | Cheng Chin: Precision Measurement of Gravity with Cold Atoms in an Optical Lattice and Comparison with a Classical Gravimeter |
01/26/2011 GCIS 223 2:00pm | Xibo Zhang: Universal Spin Transport in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas |
01/19/2011 GCIS 223 2:00pm | Shihkuang Tung: Superflow in a toroidal Bose-Einstein condensate: an atom circuit with a tunable weak link |
01/05/2011 GCIS 223 2:00pm | Arjun Sharma: A new Fermi liquid: the normal phase of a strongly interacting gas of cold atoms |
2010 |
11/24/2010 GCIS 123 2:00pm | Chen-Lung Hung: Breakdown of the adiabatic limit in low-dimensional gapless systems |
11/17/2010 GCIS 123 2:00pm | Colin Parker: Appearance of Fluctuating Stripes at the Onset of Pseudogap in the High-Tc Superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x |
11/10/2010 GCIS 123 2:00pm | Harry Lichung Ha: Speckle Imaging of Spin Fluctuations in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas |
11/03/2010 GCIS B041 2:00pm | Cheng Chin: Laser cooling of a diatomic molecule |
10/06 GCIS 223 2:00pm | Shihkuang Tung: Phonons, g1, and interference |
03/10 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Arjun Sharma: Frequency Comparison of two High-Accuracy Al+ Optical Clocks, C.-W Chou et al. arXiv:0911.4527-v2[quant-ph] |
03/03 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Nathan Gemelke: Confinement-induced Resonances in Lower and Mixed Dimensions |
02/23 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Markus Greiner: Simulating Quantum Magnets of Trapped Ytterbium Atoms |
02/03 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Zhao-Yuan Ma: Loadng Li-Cs Mixture into Dipole Trap |
01/27 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Tzu-Chieh Wei: Quantum Entanglement: Manipulating it with Few Particles and Measuring it with Many |
01/20 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Peter Scherpelz: Multi-Orbital Quantum Phase Diffusion, I. Bloch group; arXiv: 0911.5066 |
01/13 GCIS 223 1:30pm | William Tremble: Loading Radium from MOT to Dipole Trap |
01/06 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Kathy-Anne Soderberg: Quantum Simulation |
2009 |
12/11 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Nathan Gemelke: Universal Thermodynamics in a Fermi Gas |
11/18 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Nathan Gemelke: Universal Thermodynamics in a Fermi Gas |
10/25 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Arjun Sharma: Quantum Computation with Neutral Atoms in Optical Lattices |
10/14 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Arjun Sharma: Entropy Transfer in a Mixture of Ultracold Gases, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 103, No. 14 |
09/30 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Zhao-Yuan Ma: Cold Atoms in Optical Cavities |
09/23 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Ming-Shien Chang Simulating Quantum Magnets of Trapped Ytterbium Atoms |
09/16 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Chen-Lung Hung: Observation of 2D Bose Gas from Thermal to Quasi-condensate to Superfluid |
09/02 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Cheng Chin: Hyperfine Spectra of Trapped Bosons in Optical Lattices |
08/26 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Peter Scherpelz: Efimov Physics in Li-6 |
08/19 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Xibo Zhang: Cooling Toolbox for Atoms in Optical Lattices; M Popp et al. 2006 New J. Phys. 8 164 |
08/12 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Gyu-Bong Jo: Ultracold Atoms: Coherent Manipulations to Quantum Magnetism |
08/05 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Kathy-Anne Soderberg: Quantum Computing with Alkaline Earth Atoms |
07/15 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Steven Knoop: Quantum Computing with Alkaline Earth Atoms |
07/08 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Kara Lamb: Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Light Storage in Atomic Mott-Insulator; U Schnorrberger et al. ; arXiv:0903.0135v1 [quant-ph] |
07/01 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Arjun Sharma: A Sonic Black Hole in a Density-Inverted Bose-Einstein Condensate;O Lahav et al. arXiv:0906.1337v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas] |
06/24 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Nathan Gemelke: Fumbling Around for a More Natural Quantum Computer |
06/17 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Chen-Lung Hung: Observation of Elastic Decay in the Fermi-Hubbard Model; N. Strohmaier, arXiv: 0905. 2963v1 |
06/10 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Cheng Chin: Hyperfine Spectra of Trapped Bosons in Optical Lattices |
05/13 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Andreas Klinger: Triangular Bichromatic Lattice for Dual Species Quantum Computing |
05/06 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Peter Scherpelz: BEC's and Coherence in Magnetic Microtraps, Treutlin et al. PRA, 74, 022312(2006) |
04/30 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Xibo Zhang: Metallic and Insulating Phases of Repulsively Interacting Fermions in 3D Optical Lattices, U. Schneider et al. Science 322 (5907), 1480. |
04/23 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Kathy-Anne Soderberg: Superconducting Qubits for Quantum Computing, L. DiCarlo, arXiv:0903.2030v2 |
04/09 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Kara Lamb: A Mott Insulator of Fermionic Atoms in an Optical Lattice |
03/23 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Arjun Sharma: Squeezing and Entanglement in a Bose-Einstein Condensate, J Esteve et al., doi: 10.1038/nature07332 |
03/16 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Nathan Gemelke: Probing Quantum and Thermal Noise in an Interacting Bose Gas, S Hofferberth, Nature Physics, 4,489 (2008) |
03/08 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Kang-Kwen Ni: Ultracold Polar Molecules ( JILA, NIST, UC-Boulder) |
03/02 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Cheng Chin: Observation of Efimov Spectrum in Atomic System |
02/23 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Cheng Chin: Observation of Fermi Polarons in a Tunable Fermi Liquid of Ultracold Atoms, M. Zwierlein, arXiv:0902.3021 ; |
02/16 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Peter Scherpelz: Freshbach Resonances in Atomic Mixtures, E. Wille et al. PRL 100, 053201 (2008) |
02/09 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Chen-Lung Hung: Anderson Localization of a Non-interacting BEC, G. Roati et al. , Nature 453, 12 (2008) |
02/02 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Xibo Zhang: Preparation and Detection of d-wave Superfluidity in Two Dimensional Optical Superlattices, A.M. Rey et al. , arXiv:0806.0166v1 |
01/26 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Kathy-Anne Soderberg: One-way Quantum Computing, Nature 434, 169 (2005) |
01/20 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Selim Jochim: The Heidelberg Ultracold Fermion Experiment |
01/12 GCIS 223 1:30pm | James Joseph: Direct Temperature of Strongly Interacting and Other Trapped Gases |
2008 |
12/15 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Kara Lamb: A MOT for Polar Molecules |
11/24 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Arjun Sharma: Quantum Coherence and Entanglement with Neutral Atoms in Optical Lattices, I. Bloch, Nature 453, 1016-1022 (19 June 2008) |
11/17 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Chen-Lung Hung: Strong Dissipation Inhibits Loss and Induces Correlation in Cold Molecular Gases, N. Syassen et. al, Science 320, 5881, 2008 |
11/10 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Cheng Chin: Experimental Realization of Wheeler's Delayed-Choice GedankenExperiment, V Jacques, Science 315, 966(200) |
11/03 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Peter Scherpelz: Presentation on Undergraduate Thesis- Implementing Single Qubit Quantum Secret Sharing |
10/27 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Xibo Zhang: Interference of Interactng Matter Waves, Gustavsson et al, APS Meeting Abstracts, May 2008 |
10/20 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Kara Lamb: Strongly Interacting Bosons in a Disordered Optical Lattice , arXiv:0807.0446v2 |
10/13 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Kathy Anne Brickman Quantum Information Processing using Rydberg Atoms |
10/06 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Arjun Sharma: Quantum Information and Triangular OpticalLattices, arXiv:quant-ph/0407121v1 |
09/29 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Nathan Gemelke: Neutral Atom Traps |
09/23 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Chen-Lung Hung: A Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Uniform LIght Induced Vector Potential, arXiv:0809.2976v1 |
09/16 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Xibo Zhang: Collisions between Tunable Halo Dimers: Exploring an Elementary 4-body Process with Identical Bosons, PRL 101 023201 (2008) |
09/09 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Kathy-Anne Brickman: Quantum Logic and the Atomic Clock Standard |
08/26 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Chin-Chun Tsai Laser Spectroscopy of Atoms and Moleculesp |
08/11 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Cheng Chin: Observation of Nearly Perfect Irrotational Flow in Normal and Superfluid Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases , PRL 99,140401 (2007) |
08/04 GCIS 223 1:30pm | V. V. Ivanov: Coherent Manipulation of Atomic Sr-58 in Optical Lattices |
07/24 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Scott Waitukaitis: Techniques for Efficient Transfer of Atoms from MOT to Dipole Trap |
07/05 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Arjun Sharma: A Mott Insulator of Fermionic Atoms in Optical Lattice |
06/22 GCIS 223 1:30pm | Chen-Lung Hung: Bragg Spectroscopy of a Strongly Interacting Rb-85 BEC, arXiv: 0805, 0295V1 |
05/12 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Xibo Zhang: Cesium BEC in Two Dimensional Lattice |
05/05 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Cheng Chin: CC States in RF-Dressed Optical Lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 15041 (2008) |
04/28 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Nate Gemelke: Efimov States |
04/21 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Kathy-Anne Brickman: Status of Quantum Computation with Neutral Atoms, Part II |
04/15 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Scott Waitukaitis: Sympathetic Cooling Two Species in an Optical Lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 253001 (2002) |
04/01 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Arjun Sharma: Imaging Atoms in a 3D Lattice, Nature Physics 3, 556 - 560 (2007) |
03/18 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Igor Mazets: Modification of Atomic Scattering Lengths via Magnetic Dipole-Dipole Interactions |
03/11 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Chen-Lung Hung: Dimensionality of Evaporation in Tilted Dipole Trap (Submitted for Publication) |
02/26 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Xibo Zhang: Cesium BEC in Optical Lattice: progress report and future plans |
02/21 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Cheng Chin: Freshbach Resonance Measurements |
02/12 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Nate Gemelke: Exchange, Quantum Magnets and Frustration with Ultracold Atoms in Lattices; Advances in Physics, 56:2, 243-379 |
02/05 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Holger Muller: Precision Measurement in AMO |
01/31 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Kathy-Anne Brickman: The State of Neutral Atom Quantum Computing, Part I |
01/24 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Scott Waitukaitis: New J. Physics 8, 159 Long distance transport of ultracold atoms using a 1D optical lattice. Light Storage, Retrieval and Manipulation |
01/17 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Arjun Sharma: Nature 448, 452-456 Controlled Exchange Interaction Between Neutral Pairs of Atoms in an Optical Lattice |
01/10 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Chen-Lung Hung: S-wave Scattering Length, Freshbach Resonance & RF Association of Freshbach Molecules |
2007 |
12/03 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Xibo Zhang: PRL 85, 724, 2000 |
11/27 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Yen-Wei Lin: Light Storage, Retrieval and Manipulation |
11/06 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Cheng Chin: Overview of our experiment and techniques for new students |
10/23 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Kathy-Anne Brickman: General Overview of Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions (PhD Work) |
10/16 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Scott Waitukaitis: Faraday Rotation In A Hot Lithium Vapor (Undergraduate Thesis) |
10/09 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Arjun Sharma: Optimization of Evaporation Trajectory for making BEC in Dynamic Trap (Undergraduate Thesis) |
10/02 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Serge Haroche: Counting Photons Without Destroying Them: An Ideal Measurement of Light |
09/25 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Cheng Chin: arXiv:0707.4530 (2007) |
09/18 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Xibo Zhang: Nature 448, 1029 (2007) |
09/11 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Chen-Lung Hung: Nature 429, 277 (2004), Science 305, 5687 (2004), PRL 95, 190406 (2005) |
08/28 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Nate Gemelke: Erbium experiment at NIST 08/22 GCIS 123 1:30pm Cheng Chin: http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/0707.3140 |
07/31 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Xibo Zhang: Nature 435, 321 (2005) |
07/24 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Chen-Lung Hung: Nature 441, 1118 (2006) |
07/17 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Alvin Schubert: "Blurring the Boundaries of Physics and Chemistry: Laser Spectroscopy of Superonic Jet-Cooled Flexible Molecules" |
07/10 GCIS 123 1:30pm | James Joseph: "Sound Velocity in the BEC-BCS Crossover at Finite Temperature" |
06/26 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Xibo Zhang: Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 110401 (2005). |
06/19 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Durdu Guney: "Photonic Bandgap Based Novel Architecture for Quantum Computers and Networks" |
06/05 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Xibo Zhang: Momentum correlations in cold atom experiments (I) |
05/29 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Nate Gemelke: Nature, 419, 51 (2002) |
05/22 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Cheng Chin: Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3799 (1999) |
05/15 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Chen-Lung Hung: Phys. Rev. A 75, 023603 (2007) |
05/08 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Xibo Zhang: http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/0704.2155 |
05/01 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Cheng Chin: Science 315, 1556-1558 (16 March 2007) |
04/24 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Chen-Lung Hung: Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 090402 (2007) |
04/10 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Xibo Zhang: Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 080404 (2007) |
04/03 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Cheng Chin: http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/physics/0702025 |
03/27 GCIS 123 1:30am | Chen-Lung Hung: Nature 445, 623-626 (8 February 2007) |
03/12 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Kathy-Anne Brickman: "Trapped Ion Quantum Computing" |
03/08 GCIS 123 9:00am | Xibo Zhang: PRL 98, 043201 (2007) |
03/05 GCIS 123 1:30pm | Nathan Gemelke: "Band shaping and few-body states in optical lattices" 03/01 GCIS 123 9:00am Cheng Chin: http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/physics/0702146 |
02/22 GCIS 123 9:00am | Xibo Zhang: Nature 443, 671-674 (12 October 2006) |
02/15 GCIS 123 9:00am | Chen-Lung Hung: Nature 444, 733-736 (7 December 2006) |
02/08 GCIS 123 9:00am | Cheng Chin: PRA 70 053612 (2004) |
02/01 GCIS 123 9:00am | Xibo Zhang: Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 240402 (2006) |
01/25 GCIS 123 9:00am | Chen-Lung Hung: New J. Phys. 5 (2003) 113 |
01/18 GCIS 123 9:00am | Cheng Chin: http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/0611566 |
01/11 GCIS 123 9:30am | General discussion |
2006 |
11/28 GCIS 123 9:30am | Xibo Zhang: Nature, 443, 312 (September 2006) |
11/21 GCIS 123 9:30am | Chen-Lung Hung: http://xxx.lanl.gov/PS_cache/cond-mat/pdf/0611/0611227.pdf Xibo Zhang: Optics design |
11/14 GCIS 123 9:30am | Cheng Chin: Experiments on atom chip |
11/07 GCIS 123 9:30am | Chen-Lung Hung: Compare Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 120402 (2006) and Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 180404 (2006) |
10/31 GCIS 123 9:30am | Xibo Zhang: Introduction to optical imaging Martin Jankowiak Numercial calculation of cesium collisions |
10/24 GCIS 123 9:30am | Cheng Chin: (First journal club) Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 060403 (2006) |
2005 |
9/28/2005 RI 152 10:30am | First group meeting |
- Henry Ando
- Geyue (Frank) Cai
- Cheng Chin
- Lambert Kong
- Sarah McCusker
- Tadej Mežnaršič
- Shu Nagata
- Claire Pritts
- Lauren Weiss
- Evan Yamaguchi
- Rahaf Youssef
- Mingjiamei Zhang