12/24/2010: Invited by Daw-Wei Wang, Cheng gave a seminar talk at the National Tsing-Hua University and National Center for Theoretical Sciences.
12/24/2010: Invited by Sungkit Yip, Cheng gave a seminar talk at the Insitutte of Physics of Academic Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan.
12/20/2010: Cheng discussed with the undergraduate students in the Physics Department of National Taiwan University about research career.
12/17/2010: Invited by Prof. Dajun Wang, Cheng gave a colloquium talk in the Physics Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
12/17/2010: Invited by Prof. Fu-Chun Zhang, Cheng gave an invited talk at the Hong Kong Forum of Physics: Novel Quantum States and Methods.
12/15/2010: Invited by Dr. Ming-Sheng Chang, Cheng gave a seminar talk at the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences of Academic Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan.
12/7/2010: Chen-Lung, Xibo, Shih-Kuang and Cheng attended the DARPA Optical Lattice Emulator Review Meeting in Hollywood, Florida. Cheng reported our research progress.
12/4/2010: We provided the lab tours for visitors in the "Physics with a bang!" outreach program
12/2/2010: Invited by Prof. Mercede, Cheng gave a colloquium talk at the Institut fur Angewandte Physik of the University of Bonn.
11/30/2010: Invited by Prof. Tilman Pfau, Cheng gave a talk at the "Control of Quantum Correlations in Tailored Matter SFB/TTR 21" workshop.
11/26/2010: Cheng gave a seminar talk in the 5th Physics Institute of the University of Stuttgart.
11/13/2010: Chen-Lung, Xibo, Arjun, Harry, Shih-Kuang and Cheng attended the 2010 MidWestern Cold Atom Workshop in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Chen-Lung gave an invited talk on the cesium experiment. Xibo, Arjun and Shih-Kuang prepared two posters.
11/11/2010: Cheng gave a colloquium talk in the Physics Department of the Oklahoma State University.
11/5/2010: Cheng gave a colloquium talk in the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Calgary University.
10/29/2010: Xibo's first committee meeting.
10/28/2010: Dr. George Smith (PhD’59, University of Chicago), inventor of CCD and 2009 Nobel Laureate, visited our group.
10/22/2010: Cheng gave a CMP seminar talk at Purdue University.
10/20/2010: Chen-Lung gave the first IGERT student seminar at the NorthWestern University.
10/20/2010: Cheng gave a MURI review report at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
10/10~10/16/2010: Cheng attended the KITP conference on Frontiers of Ultracold Atoms and Molecules and gave an invited talk.
10/2010: Cheng got I.I. Rabi prize. Congratulations!
9/29~9/30/2010: Cheng visited the Physics Department of the University of Massachusetts Amherst and gave a condensed matter seminar talk.
9/3/2010: Welcome party for Shih-Kuang Tung and farewell party for Yunchu. Shih-Kuang, Claire, Yunchu, Cheng, Chen-Lung, Xibo, Arjun, Zhao-Yuan, Ema, Tejin and Harry joined the party held in Leona's.
9/1/2010: Dr. Shih-Kuang Tung from Eric Cornell's group at JILA joined our group as a new postdoc.
8/27/2010: A second party for Nate. Tejin, YunChu, Nate, Cheng, Harry, Zhao-Yuan, Xibo, Arjun, Ema, Shir and her friend joined the party in Cheng's apartment.
8/8/2010: Last day Nate is in Chicago and we organized a small gether-together party for Nate, Edina, Yuju and Cheng at Navy Pier
8/6/2010: Kathy-Anne is moving to Syracuse and a moving pizza party was attended by Cheng, Chen-Lung, YunChu, Zhao-Yuan, Edina, Kathy-Anne and Mitch.
8/2/2010: Nate's farewell party. We preapred a huge party for him in GCIS E123 and thanked him for the inspirations and friendship he offered us in the past 3 years.
7/15~7/20/2010: We organized the 2010 SMART programand invited 10 high school students to visit us and conduct experiments in our department. This program is supported by NSF CAREER and NSF MRSEC.
7/9/2010: Cheng gave an invited talk in the Quantum Simulation Workshop at the Physics and Quantum Infomation Laboratory of the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China.
7/5/2010: Cheng gave an invited talk at the "4th international symposium on cold atom physics", Zhoushan, China
6/30/2010: Cheng gave an invited ZhongGuanCun forum talk at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academic of Science, Beijing, China
6/29/2010: Cheng gave a seminar talk in the Physics Department of the Tsinghua Univeristy and a seminar talk in the electronic engineering department of the Peking University, Beijing, China
6/28/2010: Cheng gave an invited talk at the second international conference: Nonlinear Waves-Theory and Applications, Beijing, China
6/25/2010: Shir received the NSF REU fellowship for her summer research.
6/24/2010: Chen-Lung gave a talk at the "Complexity and Disorder at Ultra-low Temperatures" conference in Santa Fe, NW.
6/21/2010: Cheng gave a talk at the "Complexity and Disorder at Ultra-low Temperatures" conference in Santa Fe, NW.
6/14/2010: Shir, Alex, Yun Chu and Tejin began their summer research on droplet, imaging and lattice circuits.
6/11/2010: Farewell party for Ray and Skyler. Skyler, his father, Ray, Nate, Arjun, Peter, Yun Chu, Xibo and Nate joined the party at Chant.
6/14/2010: Cheng gave an invited talk at the "Ultracold Fermi Gas: Superfluidity and Strong-Correlation" workshop in Tokyo, Japan.
6/11/2010: Tejin received the JFI summer research fellowship.
6/9/2010: Cheng gave an invited talk on our lattice experiment in the Aspen Physics workshop
6/3/2010: Chen-Lung gave a talk to his Ph.D. committee reporting his research progress
5/27~5/29/2010: APS DAMOP 2010 meeting in Houston: 5/29: Xibo gave a talk on "Near-equilibrium dynamics of an atomic gas near a quantum phase transition"
5/28: Xibo and Arjun presented two posters in the APS DAMOP meeting 5/28: Nate gave a talk on "Toward Simultaneous Quantum Degeneracy of Cs and Li Atoms" in the APS DAMOP meeting
5/28: Cheng chaired the "Efimov Physics with Ultracold Atoms" session in the APS DAMOP meeting
5/28: Nate gave an invited talk on Fractional Quantum Hall effects in rotating optical lattices in the APS DAMOP meeting.
5/27: Skyler gave an invited talk on "Matched Bichromatic Optical Lattices for Quantum Information Processing with Ultracold Atoms" in the APS DAMOP meeting
5/27: Cheng gave an invited talk on "Quantum Microscopy of Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices" in the APS DAMOP meeting.
5/24/2010: Cheng talked about our recent lattice experiments at the DARPA annual meeting
5/17/2010: Yijun started his summer research on droplet.
5/1/2010: Cheng gave an invited talk at the Joint Urbana Chicago Festival
4/26/2010: Cheng gave an AMO seminar talk at the Joint Quantum Institute
4/23/2010: Cheng gave a Friday lecture to the young graduate and undergraduate students.
4/22/2010: Cheng gave a colloquium talk at the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
4/9/2010: Cheng introduced the AMO research program at U of Chicago at Univ. of Chicago Physics grad student open house.
4/1/2010: Cheng gave a Physics colloquium talk at IIT (Illinois Institute of Technology)
3/30/2010: Cheng gave a CM/AMO seminar talk at the University of Michigan.
3/23/2010: Farewell party for Kathy-Anne. Kathy-Anne, Mitch, Zhao-Yuan, Emma, Edina, Nate, Peter, Xibo (and his friend), Arjun, Chen-Lung, Skyler and Cheng joined the party in LaoShangHai. See photo here.
3/16~18/2010: Nate, Kathy-Anne, Chen-Lung and Cheng attended the APS March meeting. We presented 3 talks and 2 posters.
3/14/2010: Going away party for Francisco at Cheng's apartment. Kathy-Anne, Mitch, Zhao-Yuan, Emma, Edina, Nate, Peter, Ray and his friend, Xibo, Arjun, Chen-Lung, and Cheng joined the party.
2/16/2010: Nate gave a JFI seminar talk here. 2/6/2010: Going away party for Dennis Lin
2/4/2010: Nate gave a CAMP seminar talk at the Penn State University
1/20/2010: Nate gave a coloquium talk at the University of Notre Dame.
1/4/2010: Prof. Zhao-Yuan Ma joined our group as a visiting scientist.