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12/25/2015: Invited by Prof Tsai, Chin-chun, Cheng gave a General Education Colloquium at National Cheng-Kung University in Taiwan.

12/15/2015: Xibo Zhang is now an assistant professor in Physics at the Peking University in China. He also received the prestigeous Young Investigarot Fund "Youth 1000".

12/09/2015: Invited by Professor Adrian Del Maestro, Cheng gave a colloquium talk in the Physics Department at the Univeristy of Vermont. See here.

12/04/2015: Farewell party for Colin and Chenyu. Colin is now an assitant professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology! The party in Piccolo Mondo was joined by Colin, Chenyu, Cheng, Logan, Marianne, Lei, Jonathan, Harry, Brian and Gus. 

11/27/2015: Invited by Professor Tilman Pfau, Cheng gave an invited talk in the SFB/Transregio 21 Workshop 2015: 9th International Conference on Control of quantum correlations in tailored matter: Common perspectives of mesoscopic systems and quantum gases.

11/20/2015: Group potluck in Lei's home. Lei, Jonathan, Nick, Colin, Cheng, Jacob, April, Harry, Marianne and Logan joined the party.

11/18/2015: Invited by Professor Hikaru Kawamura, Cheng gave an invited talk in the "The International Symposium on Material Sciences" at Osaka University, Japan.

11/17/2015: Invited by Professpr Kenji Ohmori, Cheng gave the 887th colloquium talk in the Institute for Molecular Sicence, Okazaki, Japan.

11/14/2015: Our whole group attended the Midwestern Cold Atom Workshop 2015. Logan gave an invited talk.

10/29/2015: Shuoguang Liu joined as a graduate research assistant working on her P335 project.

10/20/2015: Invited by Professor Mark Raizen, Harry gave a talk in the Physics Deparmtnet of the University of Texas at Austin.

10/20/2015: Invited by Professor Johannes Hecker Denschlag, Cheng gave a seminar talk at the Univeristy of Ulm.

10/17/2015: Invited by Professor Yu Li, Cheng gave a seminar talk at the Tsinghua University in China.

10/15/2015: Invited by Professor Woowon Kang, Cheng gave an invited talk in the "Jont Conference on Novel Quantum Matter" in Beijing, held jointly by the University of Chicago and Peking  University in China.

10/9/2015: Krutik Patel joined us a graduate research assistant working on a P335 project.

10/8/2015: Jiayi Wu joined as a master research assistant.

9/28/2015: Invited by Professor Immanuel Bloch, Cheng gave a seminar talk at the Max Planck institue for Quantum Optics. 

9/21/2015: Cheng organized and gave a talk at the "12th US-Japan Seminar: Many-body quantum systems from quantum gases to metrology and information processing" in Madison, Wisconsin.

9/16/2015: Invited by Professer Piotr Deuar, Cheng gave an invited talk in the "FINESS-2015: Finite-Temperature Non-Equilibrium Superfluid Systems" meeting in Sopot, Poland.

8/31/2015: Invited by Professor Andre Eckardt, Cheng gave an invited talk in the International Workshop on "Synthetic Quantum Magnetism" at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden, Germany.

08/14/2015: Farewell bowling party for Tyler and Junbo. Tyler Smart and Junbo Zhu are visiting us during the summer quarter. Both of them did a great job in our lab.

08/15/2015: Elinore joined as an undergrad research assistant.

08/10/2015: Invited by Professors Eckhard Krotscheck andFrancis Gasparini, Cheng gave an invited talk at the International Conference on Quantum Fluids and solids in Niagara Falls.

08/5/2015: Cheng attended and presented in the 2015 OSD MURI program review meeting in Arlington ARO MURI Program Review meeting and presented the research progress in Arlington, Washing DC. 

08/03/2015: Brian DeSalvo joined us as a postdoc fellowship supported by the Grainger postdoctoral research fellow.

07/13/2015: Invited by Professor Lijian Zhang, Cheng gave an invited talk at the "7th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics" (CIOP 2015) in Nanjing, China

07/09/2015: Invited by Dr. Ming-Shien Chang, Cheng gave an invited talk at the "2015 Taiwan International Symposium on Comtemporary Atomic and Optical Physics" in National Center for Theoretical Physics in National Tsinghua University, Taiwan.

07/06/2015: Invited by Invited by Dr. Ming-Shien Chang, Cheng gave an seminar talk in the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Science of Academic Sinica, Taiwan.

06/21~8/31/2015: Junbo Zhu from Peking Univeristy joined us as a summer research assistant.

06/15~8/28/2015: Tyler Smart joined as an REU student for 10 weeks.

06/14/2015: Misha Usatyuk joined us as an undergraduate research assistant.

06/08~06/12/2015: We attend the DAMOP2015 conference. Colin gave an invited talk on 6/10, Harry, Logan, Jacob and Lei presented posters on 6/10, Jacob gave a contributed talk on 6/9, Logan gave a contributed talk on 6/11.

06/04/2015: Jonathan Trisnadi joined us as graduate research assistant.

06/01/2015: We have Yu-Ting Chen visiting us for three months in the spring quarter. She has done a great job here and will be heading to Harvard for her new journey as a PhD student.

5/19/2015: Shih-Kuang gave a plenary talk in the 21th International Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics in Chicago. 

5/11/2015: Harry gave a talk in the JFI symposium.

05/10/2015: Our paper on optical Feshbach resonance has been published on PRL and hit the Viewpoint on APS.

4/22/2015: Invited by Professor Peter Engels, Cheng gave a seminar talk at the Wahington State University.

4/21/2015: Invited by Professor Peter Engels, Cheng gave a colloquium talk at the Wahington State University.

04/20/2015: Cheng co-organized and attended the INT Program INT-15-1 Frontiers in Quantum Simulation with Cold Atoms. Colin gave an invited talk on our shaking lattice experiment. 

3/23/2015: invited by Professor Ehud Altman, Cheng gave an invited talk in the Aspen Winter conference on 'Non-equilibrium quantum matter'.

03/19~06/1/2015: Yu Ting Chen came back to us as a visiting student for 10 weeks.

03/09/2015: Invited by Professor Michael Kastner, Cheng gave an invited talk in the "Quantum Many-Body Systems Far from Equilibrium" workshop in Stellenbosch, South Africa.

03/03/2015: Invited by Professor Vladan Vuletic, Cheng gave a seminar talk at Harvard University sponsored by the Center of Ultracold Atoms.

02/01~02/28/2015: Invited by Debroah Jin and Eric Cornell, Cheng spent one month at JILA and University of Colorado as a JILA visiting fellow and gave a colloquium talk on 02/19/2015.

02/06/2015: Colin gave a Physics colloquium talk at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

02/05/2015: Our paper on creating and probing the roton excitation has been featured in a UChicago news article.

01/27/2015: Invited by Professor Hui Deng, Cheng gave a colloquiun talk at University of Michigan.

01/26/2015: Invited by Professor Alex Levchenko, Cheng gave a colloqium talk at the Michigan State University.

01/22/2015: Our paper on the geometric scaling of Efimov states has been featured in a UChicago news article.


01/8~01/9/2015: Harry, Logan, Colin and Cheng attended the MURI review meeting in Houston. Colin presented our recent research supported by ARO.