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BBQ with Po-Chun Hsu's group at the Point


We joined Prof. Hsu's group for a BBQ at the Point.


Running training at the Point


We started a new running exercise at the Promontory Point. Left to right: Rahaf, Cheng, Otto, Vincent (DeMille group) and Polly joined the first exercise.


2024 S.M.A.R.T. program


We organized the 4-day 2024 SMART program supporting >20 high school students. 


Summer Research


Polly Wang from National Taiwan University, Zihan Xu from University of Science and Technology in China and Wirunchana (Nin) Rattanasakuldilok from University of Jyväskylä joined our group to perform summer research!


Mushroom foraging


Tadej, Lauren and Cheng joined Prof. David Weiss to forage mushroom in Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge


2024 APS DAMOP meeting


Our group joined 2024 APS DAMOP in Fort Worth, Texas. Lauren, Youjia, Shu and Henry presented contributed talks on Wednesday and Thursday. Cheng gave an invited talk in the Hot Topic session on Friday. We also presented 3 posters on Wednesday and Thursday. 


Graduation for undergrad members


Congrats Nick, Annie, and Stella!


Graduation party for Nick, Stella, and Annie!


Congrats to all on their hard work! We had dinner at Nepal House to celebrate their achievement. They received UChicago and White Sox memorabilia as souvenirs.


DeMille Fest


We co-organized Prof. DeMille's 60th birthday celebration. Cheng gave an invited talk on 5/11. 


Jeffrey and Marie's work won the 2024 "Science as Art" contest!


See other images from our group


Solar eclipse


We observed the total solar eclipse!


Prof. Weiss visits


Prof. David Weiss is visiting this week!


Cheng visits France


Supported by the France-Chicago Center, Cheng visited Prof. Jean Dalibard and led 2 discussions and 1 colloquium at College de France, and visited Prof. Thomas Bourdel and gave two seminar talks at Institut D'Optique.


New look for Cs lab


Cs lab gets a new look with spiffy clear acrylic panels.


Lauren birthday + (late) Lunar New Year dinner


We went to Truth be Told for a birthday dinner with Lauren, which doubled as a belated Lunar New Year celebration dinner.


Prof. Lev Khaykovich visits


Prof. Lev Khaykovich is visiting for the next two weeks.


Nick receives Quad Scholarship!


Congratulations to Nick, who has been selected as a 2023-2024 Quad Undergraduate Research Scholar and will receive a grant to continue pursuing his work in Chin lab!