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International Conference on "Ultracold Atomic Gases: Thirty Years of Activities and Looking forward"


Cheng gave an invited talk in the conference organized by the Hong Kong University. See website here

Thanksgiving dinner


Thanksgiving dinner with Zhendong's turkey, Lambert's salmon, Annie's brownie and Annabelle's vegi.


Eric Cornell visits


Nobel Laureate Eric Cornell toured our lab during his visit to campus to speak at the colloquium today.



Cheng gave an invited talk to the Univ. of Chicago Eckhardt&NeubauerScholars.



Cheng gave an invited talk to the Midstates Consortium’s Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Computer Science Undergraduate Research Symposium


AFRL Art of Science Showcase


Three images from Shu are adopted in the 2023 Basic Research Art of Science Showcase by Air Force Research Laboratory.


MCAW 2023


We hosted the Midwest Cold Atom Workshop at UChicago this year. We heard some great talks from our colleagues across the Midwest, and had lots of exciting discussions!


Seminar at Center for Ultracold Atoms at MIT


Cheng gave an invited seminar talk at CUA. 


Cheng gave a model class in the UChicago Family weekend.



Cheng gave a colloquium talk at the National Central University in Taiwan



Cheng gave an invited talk at Peking University in China



Cheng gave an invited talk at Institute of Advanced Study, Tsinghua University in China



Cheng gave a colloquium talk at Shanxi University in Taiyuan, China. 



Cheng gave a plenary talk at the International Conference on Emerging Quantum Technology in Hefei, China



Cheng gave a colloquium talk at the Institute of Atomic, Molecular Science, Academic Sinica



Cheng gave a colloquium talk at the National Tsing-Hua University



Cheng introduced our research in the Physics Department Orientation for 1st year graduate students


Lauren in France


We wish Lauren well as she will be spending the next 6 weeks in Dr. Thomas Bourdel’s group in CNRS, France. "French people do physics too," she reports. Fascinating!


DeMille/Yan/Chin BBQ


Summer is moving fast and we need to BBQ right away. Thus, we had a BBQ at the point with the DeMille group and the newly-minted Yan group.




Cheng presented our research progress in the AFOSR review meeting


SMART Program 2023


We had the priviledge of working with some excellent local high school students during the SMART program this year.



Cheng introduced our research to the Physics and MRSEC REU students. 



Cheng gave an invited talk at the Humboldt Kolleg on Synthetic Quantum Matter in Vilnius, Lithuania

Goodbye Michael and Youjia


Michael and Youjia must sadly return to their home institutions. They will live on in our memories.



Cheng gave a talk in the UChicago-CNRS – Workshop on Quantum Science and Technology, June 5, 2023




The group attended the DAMOP conference in Spokane, WA. Shu, Lauren, and Geyue gave excellent talks.




Congratulations to Callum, Kevin, and Jon on their formal graduation at the convocation ceremony!


Congratulations Dr. Trisnadi!


Jon has become Dr. Trisnadi after successfully defending his thesis today. Afterwards we went to Nepal house to celebrate. Callum is also graduating, and Youjia and Michael will be leaving us soon to return to their home institutions. So Jon and Callum received the traditional decorated lab coats bestowed upon graduating members, and Youjia and Michael got decorated hats which came out looking pretty sweet. They will all be missed, although thankfully Jon will still be here this summer!


Oh take me out to the ball game...


White sox win and now we have matching (free) jackets. Mohit also snuck along. It was cold in the shade and Evan regretted wearing shorts.



Cheng gave a seminar talk at Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland


Climbing trip


We did a group trip to climb at First Ascent Block 37! Jay and Evan briefly became spin down instead of spin up.



Cheng gave a Princeton Quantum Colloquium at Princeton University



Cheng gave an invited talk in the Minerva-Gentner Symposium on Coherent manipulation of few-body complexes at the Weizmann Institute of Science.


Yunpeng Ji visits


Yunpeng Ji, former Chin lab undergrad and current Yale graduate student in the Navon group, visited us and gave a talk in our Friday group meeting, before we had a grilled fish group dinner!


Prof. Kenji Ohmori visits


Prof. Kenji Ohmori visited us from Japan and gave a talk on his work with ultrafast control of cold atoms!


Dr. Peter Jeglic visits


Dr. Peter Jeglic from Ljubljana, Slovenia and his graduate student Tadej Mežnaršič visited our group and gave a talk on their recent work with quasi-1D BEC's! Dr. Jeglic gave an excellent talk and an excellent tourism pitch for Slovenia.


Michael Rautenberg arrives


Michael Rautenberg from the Weidemüller group at Universität Heidelberg will be visiting us until June this year. He works on their Lithium-Cesium mixture experiment, and will be lending his expertise on our Lithium-Cesium mixture experiment!