12/24/2009: Cheng gave a NCTS seminar talk at National Cheng-Kung University.
12/22/2009: Cheng gave a colloquium talk at the National Chung-Hsing University.
12/16/2009: Cheng gave a Theoretical Physics seminar talk and an informal discussion with students at the National Taiwan Univeristy.
12/12/2009: Kathy-Anne and Xibo guided lab tours for the "Physics in a Bang" project.
12/9/2009: Kathy-Anne gave a seminar talk at the Simon-Fraser University.
12/2/2009: Kathy-Anne, Nate and Cheng attended the DARPA phase two kick-off meeting in Miami.
11/24/2009: Cheng visited Colorado School of Mines and gave a colloqouium talk.
11/23/2009: Cheng visited JILA and gave a special colloquium talk.
11/21/2009: We organized "Midwestern Cold Atoms Workshop 2009" and invited 14 experimental groups from 9 institutes in the midwest. About 80 people showed up and gave 13 invited talks, ~20 posters and joined 3 lab tours. The workshop was organized by Kathy-Anne, Nate, Chen-Lung, Xibo, Arjun, Peter, Skyler, Ray, Dennis and Cheng.
11/19/2009: Kathy-Anne gave an IGERT Seminar talk at Northwestern University on "Quantum Computing with Atoms and Ions"
11/11/2009: Invited by Prof. Tilman Esslinger, Cheng gave an invited talk at the "Ab-Initio Modelling of Cold Gases" workshop at ETH in Zurich, Switzerland.
11/09/2009: Invited by Prof. Johannes Denschlag, Cheng visited University of Ulm in Germany and presented a talk on the Cs lattice and LiCs quantum information projects.
10/30/2009: Invited by Prof. Wolfgang Korsch at the Univeristy of Kentucky, Cheng gave a nuclear physics seminar talk on the enhanced sensitivity to the variation of fundamental constants in cold collisions near Feshbach resonances, and a Physics and Astronomy colloquium talk on quantum phase transition and critical dynamics of atoms in optical lattices.
10/28/2009: Invited by Prof. Brian DeMarco, Kathy-Anne gave an QI/AMO seminar talk at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on "Quantum computing with atoms",
10/28/2009: Invited by Prof. Hartmut Haffner at UC Berkeley, Cheng gave a UC Berekeley AMO Physics seminar talk on our recent experiments on cesium atoms in optical lattices.
10/27/2009: Invited by Erich Mueller, Nate gave a LASSP seminar at Cornell University on our recent works on quantum phase transition of cold atoms in optical lattices.
10/26/2009: First MCAW2009 planning meeting was attended by Cheng, Maria, Kathy-Anne, Chen-Lung, Xibo, Arjun, Kara, Peter, Skyler and Ray.
10/23/2009: In the "Efimov Physics in Ultracold Gases" workshop in Innsbruck, Cheng presented our recent results on three-body recombinations in 2D traps. Prof. V. Efimov also attended this meeting!
10/20/2009: In the "Efimov States in the molecules and nuclei: Theoretical methods and new experiments" workshop in Rome, Cheng presented our recent results on three-body recombinations in 2D traps. Prof. V. Efimov also attended this meeting!
10/9/2009: Invited by Prof. John Ketterson at th Northwestern University and co-sponsored with IGERT, Cheng gave a NW Physics and Astronomy colloquium talk on the in situ imaging of ultracold atoms in optical lattices.
10/8/2009: Cheng gave a UC physics colloquium talk on the observation of Mott insulating domains here (physics department of the University of Chicago).
10/5/2009: Cheng, Kathy-Anne, Xibo and Arjun attended the AFOSR MURI kick-off meeting. Cheng talked about our plan to associate Li and Cs atoms. Kathy-Anne, Xibo and Arjun also had a lab tour at NIST and the Univ. of Maryland.
9/30/2009: Invited by Prof. Kristan Corwin, Kathy-Anne gave an AMO seminar talk on "Quantum Computing with Atoms and Ions" at the Kensas State Univeristy.
9/22~9/23/2009: Cheng visited MIT, Harvard and Univ. of Massachusetts and gave a CUA seminar at MIT and a colloquium talk at UMass.
9/14~9/17/2009: Visiting MPQ in Garching, Munich university, MPI for nuclear physics, and Heidelberg University, Cheng gave 2 presentations at MPQ and Heidelberg Univ. on the lattice experiment and one at MPIK on the preparation of a Cs BEC.
9/6~9/10/2009: Kathy-Anne, Nate and Cheng joined BEC2009 conference in Sant Feliu and presented one talk on Cs in lattices and two posters on Cs and LiCs experiments.
8/20/2009: Our paper "In situ observation of incompressible Mott insulating domains in ultracold atomic gases" is published in Nature. Here are coverages from NSF and Univ. of Chicago news release.
8/13/2009: Invited by Dr. Michael di Rosa, Cheng presented our work on optical lattices at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
7/20~8/5/2009: Cheng gave an invited talk at ICQFT'09 in Shanghai on 7/20 (invited by Dr. Jian-wei Pan), a seminar and a colloquium talk at Tsinghua Univ. in Beijing on 7/24 and 7/27 (invited by Dr. Hui Zhai), an plenary talk at the 12th Conference of Low Temperature Physics in Qingdao on 7/29 (invited by Dr. Wu-ming Liu) and an invited talk at OCPA6 in Lanzhou on 8/3 (invited by Dr. Tu-Nan Chang). Cheng also visited the institute of Physics, CAS and Peking University in Beijing.
7/15~7/17/2009: Kathy-Anne, Nate and Cheng joined the COCOMO workshop at the Univ. of Colorado in Boulder, Denver. We prepared 2 posters on our Cs and LiCs experiments and Cheng gave a talk on our plan to entangle atoms via cold molecular quantum states.
7/9~7/14/2009:This year our 2009 SMART program invites 12 high school students from Woodlawn High to visit us. The theme of our program this year is "Energy and Environment". We prepared 3 discussion+experiment sessions, two museum tours, one lab tour and a BBQ party for the students. Details are here.
6/30/2009: Cheng gave a talk to the REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) students on the cold atom research at the University of Chicago.
6/28~7/3/2009: Kathy-Anne and Nate attended the 2009 Gordon conference on atomic physics and presented two posters on our Cs and LiCs projects.
6/22~6/23/2009: Cheng visited Physics Deprt.,University of Waterloo, Perimeter institute and Institute of Quantum Computation at Waterloo, Canada and gave a talk on quantum simulation and computation based on ultracold atoms in optical lattices.
6/18/2009: Pary to celebrate the acceptance of our paper on Mott insulating domains in optical lattices. Chen-Lung, Xibo, Andi, Nate, Kathy-Anne and Cheng decided to go for a drink the German way at the Chicago Brauhaus in Lincoln Park. None got drunk.
6/15/2009: Undergraduate summer research project begins. Skyler Degenkolb and Jia Hong Ray Ng started working in our group.
5/31~6/4/2009: Cheng joined the Aspen workshop on quantum simulation/information processing. He presented a talk on the quantum information processing and organized an informal discussion on 2D BEC.
5/28/2009: Chen-Lung Hung received the Harper Fellowship from the Univ. of Chicago Physical Science Division. This is one of the very high honors for senior graduate students at UC.
5/28/2009: Jia Hong Ray Ng received a Selove Prize for the summer of 2009. He will start his summer project in June.
5/19~5/23/2009: Chen-Lung, Xibo, Andi, Nate, Kathy-Anne and Cheng attended the DAMOP 2009 meeting at the University of Virginia. Nate gave a talk on the visualization of the superfluid-Mott insulatior transition. Kathy-Anne talked about our progress toward quantum information process and presented a poster. Chen-Lung and Xibo also prepared another poster.
5/18~5/19/2009: Kathy-Anne, Nate and Cheng attained the DARPA meeting in Leesburg and Cheng presented results on the optical lattice quantum simulation.
4/23~4/24/2009: Invited by Prof. Lafyatis, Cheng gave an AMO seminar talk on the observation of Mott insulating domains at the Ohio State University. There were many fruitful discussions with Jason Ho, Qi Zhou, Nandini on thermodynamics and quantum criticality in optical lattices.
4/18/2009: Party at Cheng's to celebrate our new paper and Kara's fellowships: Chen-Lung, Xibo, Arjun, Kara, Peter, Katherine, Nate, Kathy-Anne, Mitch, Dennis, Ray, and Cheng had a potluck party at Cheng's place. After the dinner, some of us consumed energy we gained by playing Wii and some by solving puzzles.
4/18/2009: Skyler presented a poster at Northwestern University for the Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium and described optical details of the Li-Cs experiment.. His presentation won the first prize in the mathematics, engineering and physics session.
4/15/2009: Invited by Prof. Ian Low, Cheng gave a talk at the Argonne National Laboratory High Energy Physics Seminar talk on quantum phase transition in optical lattices and its implication in quantum information processing.
4/10/2009: Cheng gave a Friday lecture to first year graduate students.
4/6/2009: Invited by Prof. Thomas, Cheng attinaed the "Nearly Perfect Fluids - from quark-gluon plasma to ultracold-cold atoms" conference at Research Triangle, NC and gave an invited talk on the SF-MI quantum phase transition in optical lattices. Cheng visited Prof. Thomas's group on 4/7/2009.
3/30/2009: Invited by Prof. Hsin-Chia Cheng and Prof. Scalettar at the UC Davis, Cheng gave a colloquium talk on formation and new experiments on ultracold molecules.
3/26/09: Kathy-Anne gave colloquium at the College of Wooster in Ohio on Quantum Computing with atoms and Ions.
3/26/2009: Invited by Prof. Raizen, Cheng visited UT at Austin and gave an AMO seminar talk on the observation of Mott insulating domains and the progress of the LiCs expeirment.
3/24/2009: Invited by Prof. Hulet, Cheng visited Rice University and gave an AMO seminar talk on the observation of Mott insulating domains and the progress of the LiCs experiment.
3/20/2009: As one of the current Hertz Fellows, Peter presented a poster on experimental progress towards quantum information processing using optical lattices at the Hertz Symposium in Santa Clara, CA.
2/7~2/8/2009: Nate, Kathy-Anne, Chen-Lung and Xibo attained the DARPA team meeting at Berkeley and Cheng presented our progress to study the SF-MI quantum phase transition of cesium atoms in optical lattices.
1/17/2009: Cheng gave a planery talk on ultracold molecules in the Third Winter School of Asian CORE Program "Frontiers of Materials, Photo-, and Theoretical Molecular Sciences , which was held in IAMS, Academic Sinica, Taipei.
1/5~1/8/2009: Cheng presented the progress on the Cs lattice projects in the 39th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE-2009), whch was held in Snowbird, Utah